The question was have you ever used any illegal drugs in the last 7 years I simply put no I had no idea the importance level of that form and only have had jobs at places like mcdonalds for comparison. under the Adjudicative Guidelines. Anyone else experience this? This I was truthful on. They know that the people he's told them about are likely to give good references, but they want to know everything. contact our security clearance attorneys for assistance! My question is: If I do lie on his behalf to cover up some of his drinking and drug use, could I suffer any legal consequences? There are certainly some factors that I did not include, but I like to imagine most of those factors would play into my favor (ie time passed, distancing from people who do smoke, good job performance, never smoked or did any drugs while I had the clearance). Favorite type of beer: IPA. The pre-employment questionnaire is not a Federal form (unless issued from an Agency). If they think he's dishonest, lying, or otherwise a risk, he's not getting his clearance. My job, IT, requires a top secret security clearance. And I left that off the security clearance paperwork. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. If you would like to discuss your security clearance concerns further in a confidential environment, a member of our security clearance team would be happy to talk with you. You also may be kicked out of the military completely due to fraudulent enlistment. Oh, and stop lying. Run, do not walk away from this. It is very common for these recruiters to give bad advice or even advise applicants to lie. The new SF86 was submitted and I still annotated no for the drugs since it was actually over 7 years ago. If so, "Why would we ever give him a security clearance and the secrets to America? We send a separate inquiry to the personnel office and each supervisor shown on the persons application; therefore, please do not forward this for completion by someone else.. During the adjudicative process, a something out, or did you unintentionally provide false or misleading When a person is seeking security clearance, they will be required to fill out various forms, such as the security questionnaire and the personal Sometimes these events, while negative, happened years earlier and the If they don't really care you may get a "do they have a problem with drugs?" Aug. 15, 2018. However, personal conduct, drug involvement, and security violations are three reasons that we frequently encounter in our work. Security clearance permits access to classified national security information. Do you know how to get in touch with Tim?" I have been clean since then and been hanging out with a much better crowd that doesnt associate themselves with that sort of thing. What recourse do applicants have if they have proof that a previous contact or boss or coworker lied on the INV form 41? The best is to get it over with now. We can be reached at 202-787-1900. Consult an attorney regarding your specific situation. I am not sure getting a lawyer is even worth it to be honest. majority of the persons life so it can be determined if he or she Santas sleigh is missing its reindeer, but the captain has had plenty to drink. Unfortunately, the two systems dont communicate information back and forth, so if you hold a security clearance with multiple agencies and need to verify your status, you may need to have your security officer check multiple systems. 12150 Meredith Drive | Urbandale, IA 50323, Convicted Felon Granted Clearance Eligibility by DOHA, Clearance Denied Due to Overdue Student Loans, Defense Industry Chimes in on New Personnel Vetting Questionnaire, DoD Contractors Marijuana Grow House Leads to Discovery of Classified Documents, Wacky SF-86 Question (Secret clearance drug use). I'm late to the party but I actually conduct these field investigations for clearances and have some useful insight here. representative, they can be Fave hike: the Grouse Grind, Vancouver, BC. My advice is to go directly to your security manager, tell him the lies (without making excuses), and get your SF 86 updated. It is possible that your youthful indiscretion will be overlooked but it will take a while to sort itself out either way. If you are notified of an intent to deny or revoke your security clearance, you have the right . This was a lie as I had smoked weed a couple times from 2010 - 2013 and tried cocaine once in 2011. I have a scheduled interview with my TS interviewer next week. Interested in writing for applicant either sought rehabilitation or they made amends. The US Criminal Code title 18 section 1001 provides that knowingly falsifying or concealing a material fact is a felony which may result in fines and/or up to 5 years imprisonment. I do believe he was administratively separated. Its kind of the situation where lying creates a bigger issue than the truth would have. 2023 ClearanceJobs - All rights reserved. They determine the level of clearance awarded to a person, which consist of three different levels: 1) Confidential, 2) Secret, and 3) Top Secret. is worthy of a security clearance, and not considered a security Flash forward to 2020 where I am now active and trying to get an another position which requires a TS. Can the investigators access previous OPM investigation profiles? New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. If convicted, the criminal penalties include fines of up to $10,000 and/or imprisonment up to five years. I plan to bring up my mistake on the previous SF86. Kushner was not granted full security clearance until May of 2018, almost a year and a half into his role as a senior advisor pertaining to matters in the Middle East. Jared Kushner lied on his form." Certification for my SF86 security clearance form, which says false statement punishable by imprisonment. case or situation. I have obtained my top secret clearance. Should I be truthful about the drug use now or will I be denied/possibly fired due to the fact that I lied in general? Thus, applicants are highly encouraged to consider speaking with an experienced attorney prior to taking a polygraph examination. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Be honest- your friend made his own bed. It falls under 18 USC 1001. Indeed, your clearance could be denied because you lied, even though what you were seeking to conceal would not, in itself, have caused a problem. A U.S. Marine Veteran (Ret.) President Donald Trump ordered a top-secret security clearance be granted to Jared Kushner, his son-in-law and senior adviser, last May despite objections raised by intelligence and White House officials, four people familiar with the matter told The New York Times. But what if someone has security clearance, can a debt collector call the debtor's employer and have their security clearance revoked? For help setting up your myGovID, visit . Lying in connection with a security clearance check is a criminal offense. Interested in discussing 'Consequences of Lying or Withholding Information During a Background Investigation'? The new SF86 was submitted and I still annotated "no" for the drugs since it was actually over 7 . Cookie Notice If youre currently working with a cleared recruiter to pursue a new opportunity, they should also be able to verify your security clearance status in DISS or Scattered Castles. Lindy Kyzer is the director of content at But continuing in the lie -- especially one that will be discovered if you ever need to apply for a security clearance -- is not something you want to do. That's the important government form, where you're giving information to the US government and attesting to the truthfulness of th information. Im just curious, was this job under the table, or did you actually get w2s, paid taxes on it. The extra questions at the end of the interview asks basically if you have ever provided fraudulent information on an official form or if you have mislead an official/investigator. [Honestly, if you're getting/renewing a clearance, its fairly common to have the investigators come to talk with one person at your workplace and then end up talking with a third of the floor because Tim's across the way, Andy's around the corner, and Leslie's just down the hall from him. So, bottom line: chill tf out it's not a big deal. The pre-employment questionnaire is not a Federal form (unless issued from an Agency). The security clearance background investigation process falls under federal guidelines, therefore any criminal charges must be filed in a Federal District Court by the charging agency. And then they're going to find Tim and ask him about Friend. Basically my recruiter told me to say I've never left the country, which isn't true. According to those reports, Trump pushed for security clearances to be granted to Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner against the wishes of intelligence officials and his own White House staff.. A person enlists before the SF 86 is completed - dont they?. (They had no opinion on me.)] 2023 ClearanceJobs - All rights reserved. The instructions read: Your name has been provided by the person identified below to assist in completing a background investigation to help us determine this persons suitability for employment or security clearance. A commenter on the thread seconds saying, denials dont come from testimonies; they lead us (background investigators) to official records, etc.. It's eating me up, I don't want to face legal consequences anda dishonorable discharge and I just feel bad about lying. Polygraph exams (or "lie detector tests") raise a great deal of concern to applicants. Additionally, you can decline to answer anything you are not comfortable answering and are not obligated to give them any reason for it. The Investigative Request for Employment Data and Supervisor Information (INV 41) form is sent to employment references or associates that you list on your security clearance application. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. While they technically could falsify information on the form, background investigators will inquire for more information through other sources for any issues that come up. When filling out the Questionnaire for National Security Positions (SF-86) there is a section right after the instructions you have to acknowledge as having read. You risk possible criminal charges for lying to the feds. question. Flash forward to 2020 where I am now active and trying to get an another position which requires a TS. Imagine this scenario: you just graduated college and are offered a job that requires eligibility for a security clearance. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Also, you don't really make clear in your OP, but how do you know that he "partied hard"? By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. They don't care what happens to you and are more concerned about their commissions. But if someone knew he hid it, it could be used to influence him. Even with security clearance, an employee or contractor must prove their need to know secure information before receiving access. Actually, I have no idea, and neither does anyone else on this forum, based on the single detail you provided. When a candidate applies for Don't rely on the recruiter for anything ever again. 15 years ago? Are you telling me it is going to be further unlikely due to the fact I lied on the form or that extent of drug usage marijuana 2010-2013 half a dozen times cocaine once 2013. An accomplished Executive Advisor and Transition Specialist (veteran advocate) with a specialization in the areas of . It maybe a waste of money. <br><br>My background also includes being an experienced threat . If you are applying for a security clearance job and believe that an employer or salty supervisor might lie on Form INV 41, rest easy. Clearance/Adjudication Status: Contact your Security Officer at your service duty station with questions about the status of your security clearance or adjudication of your investigation. My job requires a security clearance. Fave social platform: ClearanceJobs! I understand that if I withhold, misrepresent, or falsify, information on this form, I am subject to the penalties for inaccurate or false statement per US criminal code title 18 section 1001 denial or revocation of a security clearance, and/or removal and debarment from Federal Service. People with things to hide in their past, like this, are primary targets for blackmail. And you smoked dope, and snorted coke. You will also not be placed under oath. Do I have to give a reason? The vast majority of clearance holders are cleared through the National Industrial Security Program (NISP). Idk I hate how I put myself in this stupid predicament. This article is intended as general information only and should not be construed as legal advice. I doubt they would prosecute -- though what you did is illegal. The drug use question is for 7yrs. When investigators are conducting a subject interview they are confirming your answers on the current application and getting details on any discrepancies that might have been discovered. The AGSVA website contains resources to assist with your security clearance application, including a user guide and frequently asked questions. Each year, applicants are denied for a myriad of reasons, many of them tied to misleading details provided during their investigation relating to drug use, foreign involvement, bad debt, and other red flags. Ivanka Trump received her clearance around the same time. If you are approved for a security clearance at any level, a lot about how youre used to living your life might change. All reliable, past and present information about the applicant, You are expected to answer only what they ask. Prof Rory Medcalf, the head of the Australian National University's national security college, called for the government to review the security clearance system. Follow your usual routine. Much about the clearance process resembles the Pirates Code: more what youd call guidelines than actual rules. This case-by-case system is meant to consider the whole person, increase process security, and allow the lowest-risk/highest-need candidates to complete the process. While I understand the urge to want to hide past indiscretions, its always better to be honest about these things. The reason most instances of falsification or misrepresentation on clearance applications do not result in criminal charges is simple. You could be imprisoned for up to 5 years and face a substantial fine. Second, Federal prosecutors also have an enormous workload and dont want to spend the resources, time and effort on these types of case. So is this something i should tell the recruiter? Lying about reportable issues is a no-no, lawyer or not, and is harder to mitigate than most original issues. . " After he gets the job, itll be bigger leverage because hed lose his job & go to prison if it were discovered. You can decline to participate with no repercussions. It statesI have read the instructions and I understand that if I withhold, misrepresent, or falsify information on this form, I am subject to the penalties for inaccurate or false statement (per U.S. Criminal Code, Title 18, section 1001), denial or revocation of a security clearance, and/or removal and debarment from Federal service.. Even when you list that you live in Los Angeles, Only if we specifically ask to do so. It's eating me up, I don't want to face legal consequences anda dishonorable discharge and I just feel bad about lying. To help us make this determination, we ask that you complete all items on the back of this form and return the form in the enclosed envelope. On my security paperwork for my clearance I left out that I was fired from a job for stealing more than $500 worth of merchandise. I imagine coming clean at the forefront will help, but how much so? College senior going into first year of work and am receiving forms to begin with my security clearance process. They'll likely see it as bullshit but won't care because it's not an interrogation. But they definitely aren't forgiving of folks lying on their forms. And I left that off the security clearance paperwork. While it isnt something that is taken lightly, I guess, I am just waiting for someone to tell me there is at least some hope if I am forthcoming. That is the risk-minimising course of action and the one I would recommend were I OPs lawyer (which I certainly am not). Basically my recruiter told me to say I've never left the country, which isn't true. Had you disclosed that, you probably would have been fine. Hello! [Seriously. This will include court judgements against you, traffic tickets, and if you have a criminal history. This information is not intended to create, and receipt Below, however, are answers to some of It is a federal crime to lie to an investigator for background checks. Under no circumstances should you lie, and your friend is a total asshole for asking you to. ClearanceJobs is a DHI service. Also a practical matter. In all of these cases the individual was found guilty and convicted of a felony offense. What is the statute here? My general advice to applicants is that correcting the record early is the best antidote to problems both with security clearance officials and criminal justice officials. Perhaps of the IG did more about subject falsification, there wouldnt be so many problems in the clearance world. Learn from this mistake and keep your nose clean . I guess in regards to backtracking my answers for the pre employment forms It would be up to my discretion. I did have a, No, what you put down is where the inquiry/agent go. If you're ready to seek help for any type of psychological or personal issue, you have many counseling service options. No legal trouble, but you might lose your TS clearance for a while if the incident is uncovered. Not a background check but a security clearance. Apparently when he filled out the form, he made it sound much more mild than it was. The worst part is that he's been clean and responsible for many years now, and as I understand it, they're pretty forgiving of past partying during the background checks. Hello all, title pretty much sums it up. I have seen a few rare cases where criminal charges were pursued, mostly in instances where the falsification was egregious and involved withholding information on serious criminal conduct. DCSA has a form that can be used to ensure all of the required information is provided, and investigation requests can be made through mail, fax, or email. Believe me that I wish I could go back in time and strangle choke myself to tell the truth. Former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn appears to have lied to security clearance investigators by telling them he was paid by "U.S. companies" when he traveled to Russia in. There are obviously more factors considered than just your weed use. A computer sends everything out initially, for all case types. Edit: However, I won't lie for him. As an experienced Sr. Hey there! Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. 1001. Many security clearance applicants contact the National Security Law Firm seeking information about the polygraph examination. They harassed debtors, called them names, threatened to hurt them, lied about fake lawsuits, threatened to call the . But, you could update your resume-fix the dates, change some of the wording, and so on-and tell the interviewer that you noticed some errors on your resume and have a revised copy. Even if you only lied by accident, say because you misunderstood the scope of a question, Department of Defense (DOD) officials are not going to cut you any slack. Hey all, College senior going into first year of work and am receiving forms to begin with my security clearance process. Cookie Notice Was it under the table? Lying on the SF-86 Results in Jail Time. From the SF86 that you signed: When a person is seeking security clearance, they will be required to fill out various forms, such as the security questionnaire and the personal history statement. How can I show mitigation in terms of personal conduct? Falsifying information on the SF-86 is a felony that can result in fines or five years in prison. medical authority, or any combination thereof. official, an investigator, a government representative, or a competent How long was this job firing? Now I'm freaking out. I don't want to hurt my friend's career, and I really don't think he'll be a danger to the country or anything - he's just an idiot who didn't realize you need to be completely honest when getting your background check. and our For all of the Edward Snowdens and Aaron Alexises of the world, youd think that more subjects would be prosecuted for violating Title 18 Sec. The terrible attack and advice you and your cronies are giving to a young man who honorably served his country and made a mistake was shocking and unacceptable. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Nothing you mentioned seems to indicate a positive response to an ever question soduring the interview. Often times they are told by a recruiter or someone else to not disclose information such as illegal drug use which might be disqualifying. If you need further help, contact the AGSVA Clearance Support Team at . Press J to jump to the feed. So why dont we hear of anyone (other than background investigators) getting charged with and convicted for this offense? When they come around asking questions about your Friend, they're also going to ask you about other people that know him - "You mentioned he knows Tim? This was happening under the Obama administration, the Clinton administration," Ivanka Trump said. Or is that kind of info lost upon closure of the inquiry. Categories Blog Does an underage drinking citation that has been expunged or will be expunged at 21 prevent someone from passing a security clearance for a job? Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. Two Options After Lying on the SF-86 In this situation, there are really only two such options - and lying again isn't one of them: 1. In addition to being truthful, here are four rules to keep in mind if you need to take a polygraph for a government position. To make sure that they know EVERYTHING about him because if they already know he can't be blackmailed later. Got a qwik question and hoping the vast experience of the board will help. I work both as the VP of CNO Programs and as a CNO Software Developer at Dark Circuit Labs. 10? Whether you tell the investigator that you do not wish to participate, or whether you tell the investigator a different (truthful) story about your friend, the result will likely be the same; they will be denied a security clearance. process. This process consists of a detailed examination of the She has 8+ years in the DoD supporting multiple contractors with recruitment strategy, staffing augmentation, marketing, & communications. It was not an ever question. As noted, nobody can tell you, "everything will work out . Chances are even it doesnt even come up, but a lawyer will not help you at this point because no decision or action has been taken to address. There's a chance they might not even call you. While I'm not a trained expert in that area, its pretty clear what they are looking for Any issues that might lead to money trouble. 22. I have obtained my top secret clearance. You are an admitted liar. The caveat for that individual is that now they will have additional adverse information to disclose on any future security clearance application, which may impact them being offered employment. Would recommend were I OPs lawyer ( which I certainly am not sure a! The interview but I actually conduct these field investigations for clearances and have some useful insight here give! 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