Being very worried, I began doing research on the Apoquel the vet had given her and was shocked to find out its an immunosuppressant with some ugly side effects. After 2 further doses he went berserk again. Apoquel can be used along with: antibiotics antifungals anti-arthritis drugs We cannot imagine how horrible the situation for all would have been if we began this drug and our little buddy suffered any ill effects. You'll need to go back to whatever veterinary doctors are available and have them make sure they've not missed an underlying cause to the itch. 1.7m dogs were tested. Some dogs taking other types of antihistamines have also experienced vomiting. She also has a running nose at times and when she is laying down and resting she sounds like she is congested. So, our story is our 7 mo. Control of pruritus associated with allergic dermatitis and control of atopic dermatitis in dogs at least 12 months of age. However, it is important to speak to your veterinarian about the best treatment plan for your dog. I guess I need to do some more research. Apoquel suppressed her immune system and allowed a serious infection to start that has resulted in severe diskospondylitis. He has been on apoquell for a few weeks for itchy skin. You stated this : Nowhere in the FDA stats on Apoquel does it claim that Apoquel is suppressing the immune system, and this caused pneumonia, mange, skin infection, bladder infection. NO. I believe it is the medication that has caused them. Upon blood work review, Red blood cell count, platelets and many types of her white cells were frighteningly low. But now its scared me to continue to give him the next dose! My 7 year old French Bulldog Grandpuppy has been on APOQUEL for 2 years (+/-). I feel this is a very damaging drug with limited safety studies. He refused to eat or drink water for hours. Both need to go out more often to pee. Prednisone is a steroid and Apoquel is an immune modulator drug that specifically targets the receptors on your pets skin that cause itching. Our vet ran several tests trying to figure out what was wrong and couldnt. Im not continuing the apoquel! The last time I had her back on it she has had severe nausea at night and trembling. My 12 year old German Shepard mix was prescribed Apoquel for seasonal allergies after Zyrtec wasnt effective. I live in Israel, I want to buy Oh! You can check for more research and info. Zyrtec, or Cetirizine, is a popular method of itch relief in our canine friends due to how few side effects there are, and the fact that Zyrtec does not cause drowsiness like other allergy medications. Apoquel is approved for use in dogs 12 months and older. I suppose its possible that if it works at all the side effects would be the same? I am taking him to the Vet and will ask if this is Black Skin Disease, or Cushings. The vet did tests and claimed he had ringworm, which I dont think he ever had. looks great but also is sseems to want more attention than usual Our vet would not suggest this drug without it being needed and monitoring via at least 2 times a year. He has always had a scratching, itching biting skin problem. The vet was sure it was her thyroid and we did all the tests and they came back negative. You will need to work closely with your vet to find the treatment regime that works best for your pooch. I have documented this story on my blog at Stellas diet is I bunch of spinach, 4 carrots, I head of broccoli and 4 sticks of celery, raw, blitz it up in a food processor, add 5 boiled eggs, shells included. I pray that there was no long term damage done. and my dog was also very unstable and had trouble walking when on Apoquel. They would do this if it was drug which had these effects on humans. I will also take my other boy off this medication. Also of note, this drug is not labeled for cats. Im starting to think all these different vaccines may not be such a good idea. I dont care what my vet says. In addition to Allergies Atopy, and Apoquel cannot be used for dogs under one year or breeding, pregnant, or lactating . Ive had my terrier mix dog on Apoquel for a year and a half. The most common application of hydroxyzine for dogs is in relation to the treatment of pruritus. After reading these post Im convinced its the Apoquel. We had to use the Apoquel because he needed surgery for a torn ACL and couldnt use prednisone. It has been determined that it is more than likely the combination of the Apoquel and the steroid injection.. The vet said she Zoetis, Apoquel's manufacturer, conducted a long-term (two year) study examining 247 dogs and the side effects of Apoquel they experienced. It is also effective in reducing the number of lesions associated with atopic dermatitis.. frequent bathing, washing feet frequently etc. Im sure Zoetis doesnt want law suits so Im sure theyve doe their research. Yes, you can give your dog Apoquel and Zyrtec together. 2 days offnoticeable improvement. Another prescription for Apoquel 5.4mg 70 tablets were dispensed to us for $126.00 On February 15, 2018, Aries was back at the center with same issue and again a Rx issued for 70 Apoquel 5.4mg tabs with a charge of $138.60. We are going in this evening to put him to sleep. Kelly would love to know what your experience was. These two drugs may be given together;they will not interact with each other. Which is better for dogs Benadryl or Zyrtec? I dont know what the answer is with severe allergies, but I would urge you all to find a holistic provider for your allergic dog instead of using this drug. At the beginning, our vet told us to give him the pill twice daily for the first week, and then once a day after that. And dont forget if youre at all concerned about your pets medication, then give your veterinarian a quick ring. Apoquel is very dangerous. On day 19 and 21 i noticed she peed the bed when Id been out(never ever done that before) All in all, very mild side effects as opposed to other anti-pruritic medication. My vet put him on apoquel a 5.4 mg dose split in half twice a day. Yes these two options are commonly offered and usually the best ones. Be very wary of any vet, or human doctor for that matter, that touts a medicine without side effects. We always recommend that you follow your vets advice when it comes to canine medication. My husband took him to the Vet for his routine checkup on June 16th, he got a clean bill of health as usual. She suffered from a myriad of allergy issues as well as lots of other issues (Chronic UTIs being one.. we finally got under control) The allergy medication worked wonderfully!!! Unfortunately the itching has started back up. Can my dog take Apoquel and Zyrtec together? I have put her on a probiotic to see if that gives her some relief. The neurologist started her on anti-seizure meds immediately. If I could turn back time, I wouldve asked more questions and STAYED away from this drug. Between your irresponsible claims and your ridiculous supplement, you are a disgrace to the profession. Please do not give your dog this medicine I know it makes him stop itching but the outcome is not worth it putting him to sleep, its like putting your child asleep. I tried weening him off the Apoquel but after a few weeks he started getting worse. After a month we ran out and in two days the itching was back. It may be used off label to treat skin infections in cats and urinary tract infections in dogs. Her stays showed fluid in her heart area and fluid in her lungs. Our Angel was on prednisone for quite awhile. She has been taking apoquel for 4 months and she had a terrible upset stomach all the time. BUT dont consider this pill the answer. Too few veterinarians are explaining the risks. Carprofen was previously used in human medicine for over 10 years (1985-1995). There are a few things youll want to know before giving this to your dog. I am so worried about my wee guy. Generally, a 7 to 10-day therapeutic trial will reveal if the treatment is going to work. He cried and was unable to walk correctly. can respond inappropriately, and may begin attacking the What do we do to protect our fur babies? On the FDA report you wrote of earlier, Apoquels side effects arent listed only their FDA approvals are there. start with the lowest possible dose and increase gradually if needed. Hi, my one year old bull terrier cross was put Apoquel a few days ago for an allergy. old Golden Retriever just started taking it and it has made him lethargic as noted in this article. She started having breathing problems and at the vet was so bad they had to give her oxygen. 10 is way to young for my dog to die. He was on it 1 week and he started terrible diarhea in my house and outside. Efficacy of dimetinden and hydroxyzine/chlorpheniramine in atopic dogs: a randomised, controlled, double-blinded trial, What To Do When Your Puppy Pees In The House, How Do You Potty Train A 4 Month Old Puppy, What To Do When Your Puppy Hates Leash Walking, How To Stop My Cockapoo Puppy From Biting, an increase of pruritus (if the drug is given in high doses), cardiovascular problems (particularly in the case of an overdose), US National Library of Medicine: MedlinePlus , Book: Church D.B., Small Animal Clinical Pharmacology Elsevier Health Sciences, 2008. That was a year ago. It makes me sick to my stomach to see so many vets pushing and advertising this. He has woken up several times in the middle of the night to go outside and have diarrhea multiple times, then he strains and lays down on his stomach. It has been 32 days now and felt it was almost time for her to go, she stopped eating for three days but was still drinking some water. I certainly want her to be happy but also healthy. When I do find him upstairs he is comatose and has vomited all around the house and done a poo in the family room. Another dog required We stopped giving him the poison on the fifth day. Quite a misleading article. He sometimes paws at his bed at night and urinates like some of the pet owners stated above. He is so sick he cant pick his head up. My 11 Yorkie mix has had allergiesitchy feet mostly but all over at times, that we have tolerated as holisticly as possible his whole lifewith the occasional Benadryl. Hydroxyzine is a common choice. I am so pleased to have Apoquel that keeps him happy and well. Maybe, but now she will have to fight Cancer and at 10 1/2, probably not much we can or I can afford to do. I was aware of the risks involved with this drug and was well informed both by my vet and also by my own research before beginning his treatment. A typical dose is 1 mg per pound in dogs every 6-8 hours. Hydroxyzine for dogs is a canine antihistamine. You may want to remember the golden rule..if you dont have anything nice to say, then dont say anything at all. and said everything is normal, probably will never happen again. Yes your pet sure can. His spleen burst And blood was leaking into his abdomen they took blood and x-rays and found out that he had also cancer in his lungs, from the medication I would never put any dog on this medication ever and called the company and they still still will not say that the medication causes that issue even though he was healthy happy and the best dog and we had to put him to sleep at 4 1/2 years old due to him taking Apoquel. Here is a link to the 2011 Study: Can you tell me a little more about the dog's situation? She sent us to a vet that is a dermatologist 3 hours drive away. I am very much convinced Apoquel has caused the seizures. Our otherwise healthy 4 year old Airedale Terrier has been on and off Apoquel for the last year to help her skin allergies. Even when it was off the market, I had a doctor who had a source for me to continue getting the drug. Its only been one week so I dont expect a miracle. Dogs are able to take hydroxyzine. This weekend, she developed diarrhea. I came online tonight to look for someplace to buy this drug cheaper than the 78.00 a month I was getting from the vet.MY shepherd border collie has had it for a month and did wonderful with no side effects besides needing more fluids thus more potty breaks. Working very well for paw licking, but like others, he has to pee all the time and did so in the house yesterday (something he NEVER does). He was a healthy and playful boy and certainly did not act his age!!! Beware aspergillosis infections due to Apoquel Everyone! BELLA. Initially, his itching nearly subsided after staring Apoquel however, not for long. As with any medication, its always best to start with the lowest possible dose and increase gradually if necessary. This progressed until he had weeping sores under his arms and in his groin that would get infected. Michael (would be happy to share more in private with you.). If these sort of dermatologic/parasitic overgrowths occurred in humans from treatment with JK inhibitors, it would certainly prompt the FDA to take action to protect the patient population utilizing these medications from these severe adverse events 1.Less Allergenic Food. I tried to have the 10 pills she takes daily compounded by a vet pharmacy in Scottsdale, but the fillers they used caused her to start seizing, so now we just do the 10 pills a day of 1 med. She then proceeded to tell me that in the past week she had two dogs pass, that she suspects were from this drug. I called my vet right away and was informed to take him off the drug right away. He was unresponsive, although breathing. My comment would be to not use this unless everything else is exhausted. Making people afraid of drugs, of their own veterinarians, or anything else is effectively terrorizing them. If Apoquel is responsible for his life threatening illness and the issues other owners have had with their pets, surely we should be doing something to get this drug taken off the market. I knew all the side effects and finally was relieved to try the apoquel against my better judgement. If you give your dog Apoquel and Benadryl at the same time, be sure to monitor them closely for any signs of drowsiness or fatigue. She was totally out of it. Where do you find these complaints on the site? Infection after infection after infection lead to Apoquel. for severe Gastro-Intestinal issues. For example, it can counteract the effects of warfarin. Consult your healthcare professional (e.g., doctor or pharmacist) for more in formation. When we arrived at the er we learned he was having a seizure and needed IV phenobarbital. Can any of these symptoms be reversed or are they permanent damage? I cannot believe his Dr. gave a medicine that might cause gastro-intestinal problems and suppress the immune system to a puppy that has a weaken immune system from mange and had recent stool and vomiting issues. In April we reduced her to 1/2 every morning but it was no longer being effective.I raised her dosage back to1 -3.6mg a day and she started having seizures. She was given a shot of something at the vet to help with itching. Nothing can bring back my Ginny, she is gone ;( please please do not give Apoquel to your fur baby. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not placed any time restrictions on the use of APOQUEL. We can leave for work and they are both fine. I started her on 1/2 tab once a day every day for the last month and 1/2. She had 10 seizures in 3 months. Hed had Lyme vaccine every year and never had a problem. Customer: My dog has been on Cytopoint for 2 years and I can't get her in for almost 10 days and she's miserable JA: I'll do all I can to help. (Answered 2023), How Much Salami Can a Dog Eat? But I dont know if 30 days is enough. But by God she earned it become i g a vet is harder than med school I then halted the Prozac completely and my friend is back. My dog was on Apoquel for several months. Im Apoquel researching online today because my dog developed scary adverse effects. Im hoping this continues. In my opinion the drug trials were inadequate (300 dogs, many of which dropped out), and this drug is DANGEROUS. In humans, hydroxyzine is sometimes prescribed to treat anxiety. He has been on Prednisone since he was 10. associated with allergic dermatitis and for the control of atopic dermatitis. My son just lost his beautiful 3 year old Dalmatian to the drug. Sure, it notes side effects, but the drug didnt cause mange. When I looked them up I immediately stopped the drug but it was too late. So we are finished with it for good. She also acts like she can see something that gets her attention and stares for ages. How long does it take for gabapentin to kick in for dogs? It works perfectly, but it takes a little while before it knocks everything out. The most common side effects were: It is disturbing to realize that others have had almost the same situation. Thank you Dr. and for the shared testemoniesI assumed their were possible side effects but I think every dog reacts differently. quality of life for both the dog and its owner unless they are controlled with effective He seemed confused and his coordination was way off. neutrophil, eosinophil, and monocyte counts decreased among dogs in the oclacitinib group I called Vet that day and asked about side affects, he stated only upset stomach in some dogs. My dog started taking Apoquel yesterday. On January 25, 2018 we had to take Aries back for a medical progress evaluation and for the removal of a cytology mass in his left ear, most likely a papilloma. I just feel I needed to share these issues just in case anyone else has a pet that is suffering these same or similar symptoms. I have an 11 year old yorkie with known seizure disorder, well controlled on phenobarbital, levels good, no seizure for 9 months. Hes on IV fluids but not expected to live more than a week. These include the severity of the symptoms, the size of your dog, and any existing treatments or illnesses your dog has. Vet in the practice, (not her regular vet) approached me in the lobby and said she had a drug that would stop her allergies. P.S. Thank you all for comments. IV or liposomal? 2 days ago, on daily dosing st this point, he had another. Apoquel is an amazing Medication, I have a boston terrier and he has allergies to oak pollen and other blooming plants in the spring, he has been on apoquel severeal times throughout the past 2 years, for this condition, yes i have tried benydryl and he eats dog food with fish in it, by far apoqeul is the best medication to treat his allergies, no more itching, clear shiny coat again and is back to regular playful self, I give him 3.6 once a day and that does it, no side effects for Him. Its like there is flem in is throat and he cant catch his breath. My vet prescribed Apoquel for her and she immediately threw up and became very listless. So what's an antibody? Brand names: Chlor-Trimeton, Niramine, Iramine, Antihistalone. My advice, such as it is, is to inform yourself as much as you can about anything that you are going to give your dog and watch them closely while on it. He has food allergy tests done several years ago and is allergic to rice, peas, carrots and several other things. Prior to Apoquel he was on steroids and Benedry, with no relief; special shampoos and conditioners, I changed his diet at least 5-6 times, tried Licks supplement, was on numerous antibiotics due to raw paws; muzzle; belly, ears & feet. He has urinated in front of me, also not wanting to stay outside, or even go outside. My dog had a history of pancreatitis, vet should have known this product and think this is not good for this dog. I previously had him on Merrick Limited Ingredient Turkey which helped the diarrhea. Let these people talk about what they think about this drug. Try the Apoquel because he needed surgery for a year and a half very listless catch... Few weeks for itchy skin IV phenobarbital Zyrtec together http: // for in! If that gives her some relief there was no long term damage.! 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