), (Celia gasps. (It's no use, the agents have already disappeared after Mike. You be a good girl, okay? . Mike tries to break the tension with a joke, which drives the old monster crazy. Join the Conversation Characters Mike Wazowski His buddy looks pretty sad.). (runs off), (The monsters work fast and furious. Oh, sure no problem. She doesn't like Mike to yell at Sulley.). Loch Ness, Big Foot, The Abominable Snowman. ), (Sulley and Mike watch as Fungus and Randall struggle to break free of the crowd. (Mike nervously chuckles as a microphone dangles from above him). ), Roz: Guess who? When one of the stray cans pops off and scores a direct hit on a wall full of canisters, the set of cans begin to teeter, and if it falls, the outcomes would be catastrophic. Mike: Oh, a scare demo. Don't worry. Sulley quickly ducks under the desk. The film is a sequel to the critically acclaimed 2001 Disney/Pixar film, Monsters, Inc., and features the returning voices of Lara . (Mr. Waternoose pats Sulley on the shoulder. Mary sees him through the crack in the door and whimpers. ), (Mike dashes in with a take-away box, which he uses to delicately scoop her up. The three of them sneak into the house undetected, find her room and open her closet door. Judging by her tone, she's been through this before.). Smitty: I bet we get the rest of the day off! The lights in the apartment glow even brighter than before. George relaxes, whistling happily as he walks away. Sulley: (yelling up to Rex from "Toy Story") Hey, Ted! All we have to do is call her door down and send her home. Sulley is gone. They find Simon in the laugh canister storage room. Sulley chuckles as he walks toward her.). Day care worker: Oh. Come on, keep coming, keep coming Mike: Come on, and follow the sultry sound of my voice. ), (Sulley and Mike walk through the door into Monsters Inc.), (CDA Agents are everywhere, combing the place.). Mike: (calling back) I love you, Schmoopsie-Poo! ), (George walks by carrying a watermelon and a mallet. (Mike hits a button on his keypad. Look at you! I wouldn't have nothing if I didn't have , Mike: (v.o.) The premise was rumoured to have found Mike and Sulley trapped in the human world and searching for Boo after discovering that her family had The lunch bell rings. It was gonna revolve around Mike and Sulley going to the human world to see Boo in time for her birthday. Too expensive. Funny, she doesn't look dangerous. Randall: Will you be quiet?! The Jumbo-tron reads "WARNING: CONTAMINATION ALERT", replacing the yellow circle with a black child inside.). As part of Pixar's original distribution deal with Disney in the 90's, Disney owned the rights to Pixar's characters, including sequel rights. From outside, the apartment lights pulse brightly, creating a beacon for the helicopters. Mike grabs the stool and heads for the closet door.). Yeti: Oh, would you look at that? Sulley tries to get away, but Boo grabs his tail. Mike sees something that make his eye go wide. Schmoopsie, I thought you liked sushi.. Celia: Sushi? (Mike opens the door. Roz magicially appears in a sparkly dress from inside the tub.). It that didn't happen, Sulley and Anastasia would have likely still been together. Fungus: I'm sorry, Wazowski, but Randall said I'm not allowed to fraternize with victims of his evil plot. Temperature's a balmy 65 degrees, which is good news for you reptiles, and it looks like it's gonna be a perfect day to maybe, hey, just lie in bed, sleep in, or simply (gets annoyed) WORK OUT THAT FLAB THAT'S HANGING OVER THE BED!!! (Mike stands up, tosses the microphone in his mouth and swallows it. It pins them to the wall. (Mike, Sulley and Boo do a quick detour, avoiding the CDA.). What time did you leave last night? I'd live in a penthouse , (Screen flashes revealing Sulley and the other top scarers slowly walking to the screen. (Charlie, Waxford and Frank gather around Randall, congratulating him.). He happily tosses the contents into his mouth. Sulley breathes a sigh of relief. (to Mary, comforting) Hey, what's the matter? Where are you from? Sulley: (nervous) Uh, well uh er, uh Mike: No! Don't let it touch you! You know, like on the street, with the honk-honk, and the vroom-vroom, and no walking involved? A monster day care kid notices Boo.). Well, listen, James, why don't you stop by the simulator after lunch today and give us the scare demonstration we talked about, huh? Finding Nemo 2 sounds like trrasshhhh tho. He sneezes and continues on. You're in kindergarten, right? Jerry: We may actually make our quota today, sir. (Boo is riding Randall, pulling his fronds! (Charlie, Waxford and Frank push past Randall as they rush to Sulley.). Sulley: Okay, how 'bout I sit here until you fall asleep? ), (Screen flashes to Sulley and Mike walking up to a pair of familiar green dinosaur legs.). Announcer: (v.o.) ), (Sulley and Mike wear colanders, snorkel masks, and oven mitts for protection. (offering) Snowcone? Sulley: Uh, actually, she's my, uhhh, my cousin's sister's--. But the neat conceit of "Monsters, Inc. 2: Lost in Scaradise" is that once Mike & Sulley cross over into the human world, they then aren't allowed to return to Monstropolis until they actually reunite with Boo. (Randall hangs from a door two behind him. (uses an air horn, waking up Sulley), (In the living room, Sulley drops to the floor for push-ups. Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Then the screen flashes to Mike and Sulley talking to Needleman and Smitty.). The track rounds a post.). ), ("If I Didn't Have You" starts playing and the screen flashes, revealing two tentacles holding a clapperboard. (Randall stomps on one of Sulley's hands, knocking it off the door edge. Sulley climbs up and balances on its metal railing.). On the Jumbo-tron behind him is a security cam view of George's back, showing the sock.). Sulley: Are you sleepy? (Suddenly, something yanks Randall's head back.). ), (With a massive effort, Sulley wrenches the machine from its moorings and throws it towards Randall, Waternoose and Fungus. CDA Agent: I'll get him. MI is prepared for the future. Mr. Waternoose: There is nothing more toxic or deadly than a human child. You've got Boo's door? ), (Randall, Fungus, and the off-screen crew members have a good laugh about that last camoflauge sequence.). Sulley reaches for the door-knob. He decides to visit the kids of that house where he gets a description and drawing of what the monsters looked like from the kids. That was weird. Hum, baby. The lights in the room dim, and the animatronic kid resets. Does that matter? , Mike and Sulley: (v.o.) It's a work in progress, it's gonna get better. ), (From the other end of the tunnel of doors, Randall jumps onto a door and rides it towards them. Now, before we do anything else, let'stake care of the child. Prepare for decontamination. (A little day care kid steps up to Mike. Sulley is devastated. (Sulley grabs a menu and whips it in front of his and Mike's faces.). It might be a funny scene, movie quote, animation, meme or a mashup of multiple sources. he tucks the teddy bear in next to her.). ), (Randall straps Boo into the scream extractor chair. This page has been accessed 2,272 times. Mike: (being dragged away) No, no, no, no! Randall: I'm about to revolutionize the scaring industry. She giggles, then scampers off to hide behind another stalls. The scaring begins. (Twelve scarer of the month photographs -- all of Sulley -- hang on a wall. (Mike and Sulley run though the room and exit. In July 2021, YouTube channel The Hemmas Show released a video revealing the full plot of the movie and the full reasons of its cancellation, having interviewed Rob Muir, a screenwriter of the film. ), (Randall grabs Mike and pushes him against the wall.). Mr. Waternoose: How many times do I have to tell you? Is that a new haircut? Suddenly a large box covers Mike and snatches him away. Zootopian), It all Started with The Animation Commendation, Disney Descendants 2 Forgotten Characters, Chicken Little 2: Mission to Mars (Feat. I just read the Toy Story 3 script a little bit ago. Mr. Waternoose walks up besides Jerry.). We have a new scare leader, Randall Boggs. ), (Sulley cowers on a bench, backed into a corner of the room. Ricky Plesuski opens his mouth to reveal a giant set of spiked teeth. I wouldn't have nothing if I didn't have you. Press J to jump to the feed. Using his tail as a whip, Randall sends Sulley flying out into the hallway. Roz, Randall and the pardoned monsters burst into the room to help dig them out. Day care worker: (sweetly) My, what an affectionate father. ), (The door shreds with a buzz, spewing out sawdust and leaving only two door knobs. Sulley turns to see Waternoose standing in the room, closing the door behind him.). One wall of the bedroom starts to rise, revealing the bedroom to be just a set, a simulator where monsters practice their scare tactics. Come out slowly with the child in plain sight. Watch The Trailer For The Abandoned Monsters Inc. Sequel Lost In Scaradise. Back at the Human World, the newspaper truck comes to a halt and opens its door. Six-year-old Mike Wazowski goes on a class trip to the Monsters, Inc. factory. When new customers enter the restaurant, the waiters all yell. Deleted Storylines of The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge on the Run, Untitled My Little Pony: The Movie sequel, The Cat in the Hat (Universal Pictures and Illumination Entertainment film). (Mike fits an empty can onto his door station. (Randall angrily hits the stall door. ), (Randall stops. He climbs aboard a door being ejected and sails up onto the track several door behind Sulley, Mike and Boo. Read chapters two and three in your manuals. The tension is broken by a laugh. Mike: Well, listen, if you got a minute, there's something I want to show you. Mike panics asks Sulley if she can see them, but Sulley responds by telling Mike that she is way too old to believe in monsters, so they are essentially invisible to her. You know, he's got them shifty eyes. Is this one yours? You got us. The portal to the monster world is closed. Sulley tries to run in, but instead slips across the doorway.). Whoa, whoa, whoa. They see Mary and scream, scrambling behind a chair for protection. They look up to see a giant monster! Randall enters to see Fungus strapped into the machine.). Mike slips. Wa-wa-wait a second. Celia: Hey, Googly Bear, wanna get going? (whistles for help) Hey, we got a dead door over here! We're sitting targets! It's on the front page! Not now, not now, I'm-- (seeing Mary) Oh, hello, little one. I've had a lot of birthday - well, not a lot of birthdays, but this is the best birthday ever. He backs away and slips on a soccer ball, which ricochets off the wall and beans him squarely on the face. But when the shredder does shred the door, the machine starts driving around the Scare Floor. But you DIDN'T, did you?! Come on, now, chuck him, chuck him, baby, hum, baby. Sulley: No, her door was white, and it had flowers on it. ), (Boo laughs hysterically at Mike's pain. I know you can do this. Mr. Waternoose: (to recruits) Pay attention, everyone. The monsters run away from the incoming haywire machine.). He lets this information sink in.). (Behind Randall, Mike and Sulley spot Boo emerging from behind an ash can. You're safe now. Sulley: (stopping) Randall? That should make it even more humiliating when we break the record first. Assistants, please report to your stations. ), (Sulley stops, scarcely able to believe what he's seeing.). Randall explains that every year around this time, all of the banished monsters meet on an island in the Bermuda Triangle to socialize and that he knows a monster there that might be able to help them. Randall's eyes narrow. Because of his height, we only see Ted's massive legs.). Randall: Huh? He's not crying, neither should you Or we'll be in trouble 'Cause they're gonna find us So please stop crying right now , (Boo stops crying. John Stephen Goodman's an American film, TV & stage actor. Just then, the old woman's dog tries to attack Mike causing him to backpedal into the closet door, accidentally closing it. Get the kid back through the door! Mike: (Italian accent) Hey, Tony! Rock music pounds as the door opens and Claws scrambles out of the room, sobbing pathetically.). Copyright Disney Enterprises, Inc. Fungus: (o.s.) (CDA agents run up to George and tackle him to the ground. ), (The sushi chef grabs a phone and dials.). The child isn't Boo at all, but the Animatronic Kid from the simulator. Around a three-day hike. Sulley punches Randall, knocking him out. Open 'em. George: Boy, Wazowski looks like he's in trouble. Sulley: (While sliding across) WHOOOAAAA!!!! Fan Casting Monsters Inc 2: Lost in Scaradise by Pixar Animation Studios Story added by tomzillawash3r3 on November 20, 2018 Mike Wazowski and Sulley plan on visiting Boo again. ), (He climbs from one door to the next, trying to reach Boo's door. A world based on Monsters Inc appeared in Kingdom Hearts 3. The Circle 7 scripts for Toy Story 3 and Finding Nemo 2 were kinda bad but this sounded like it would have been a fantastic follow up and much better than MU. Because you're on your own. Sulley's eyes widen. Mike: Be relaxed, be relaxed, be relaxed. (On the TV, there are beautiful shots of monsters happily living their lives.). Then the screen flashes to George Sanderson being surrounded by the CDA. A horn sounds, and each scarer rushes up to their door. ), (Randall snaps to attention and disappears. Come here, kid! Celia: (o.s.) Randall: Everyone goes to lunch! Too conspicuous. Mike: All right, I got a move here. Mike: Well, I don't know about the rest of you guys, but I spotted several big mistakes. The films they had in development were Toy Story 3, Monsters Inc. 2: Lost in Scaradise and Finding Nemo 2. ), (A purple chameleon-like monster named Randall Boggs, uncamouflages and jumps out at Mike. COME ON! They stare back at her blankly.). Sulley: Wa, wa, wa, wa. A metal dome is bolted over the sock. You've destroyed this company. You're going to the hall of fame for sure! Bom, bom, bom, bom . ), (Sulley freezes as two CDA agents head towards him.). ), Mike: Yeah, yeah, yeah, sure. We will blend right in. 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