She caught him before he could fall to the ground, and made his descent a bit gentler. It may not be fair, he told her, But it might be kind of fun to see what parts of her anatomy Nym decides to tweak.. While Ginny never let it stop her, and while she made friends and did well in her classes, there was always that extra question, that extra worry. You had been successful in dodging his attempts at getting you alone, until he finally caught you by waiting outside of the Gryffindor common room one morning. His Godfather was certain Harry would be desperate to know what was going on. And yes, we -will- find a counter-curse or a cure, but we havent managed to, yet. And then came that morning. Also there are some short shitty ones in You and Draco have been having a secret relationship for a few years, why? They enjoyed a basic lunch, a cheese sandwich each and a little fruit, and for once Dudley didnt whine. One he starts interacting with the other characters, her readings on them become much more chaotic. Some of your classmates were upset with you for lying to them, but to your relief, most seemed to understand that you hadnt meant any harm. While he is here, he does almost everything the same way that we do. The moment theyd entered the bathroom and closed the door behind them, she cast a strong silencing charm around the room. He's different this year. It was right in front of us all along, She took advantage of all of us, she used you Draco.. She could hear the love in his voice, and she felt the moisture start to pool within her folds. For story purposes, the attack by the snake on Arthur takes place a few days later, while they are already at Grimmauld. And then he runs into Draco Malfoy and has to come to terms that he isn't the only person who changed that summer. He was captivated with the sounds she was making, and loved the look on her face when that first orgasm had hit her. The clothes weve kept you in are absurd! But she smiled as he began helping her with breakfast. Lydia Montague regained consciousness in a most painful way. Draco makes many threats to the trio over the years, and he sometimes makes jokes about them getting hurt or even killed. Harry Riddle Potter es sin duda uno de los mas guapos en Hogwarts, junto con Draco y Lyra, pero siempre que alguien intenta algo con l nunca lo logra. First off, this house is hidden, and the ministry cannot detect anything that happens here. Hogwarts, Founders Era Harry Potter: Godric Gryffindor Undecided: Rowena or Helga. She was larger than Petunia, and a little smaller than Julie, but she was far firmer than either of the older women. Though they dont know everything, when they go to learn something, it feels like they already know it, and they pick it up much quicker and more easily. I dont own Harry Potter oh, wait, I already said that last one. While they could find no way to remove the curse, they countered it by creating the familial magic to ensure strong marriages (the memory swap), high sexual drives, and a lot of stamina, so that even if it is only one or, at most, two a generation, the Potter line does manage to continue on. Whent hey finish their new lives, their souls will then return to their bodies in Hogwarts. Harrys summer settled into a mostly pleasant routine. He shook his head in amazement at the two beautiful women who had worn him out. I dont own a signed, autographed copy of War and Peace. There was no hesitation, no nervousness, just overwhelming desire. Harry took her face in his hands and turned her back to him. Harry gently lifted her face from his shoulder, and gave her a kiss that caused her toes to curl, then he reached for the soap and started to work up a good lather. And there was certainly a huge difference between the two! O wha did ou hink? she asked Petunia. She reaches out her hand to touch his forehead and there is a flash of light. He saw her grow up in a family of all boys, loved, cherished, but not always liked by her brothers. But his experiences this summer, combined with Malfoys damned curse had made a huge difference in the young man. While his parents argued, Dudley had already finished his plate. I just cant get it off my mind. The largest difference from the original story will be Tonks letting Harry know hes being moved to Grimmauld Place before the move actually occurs, and Harry demanding they find a way to give Hermione a choice about whether she wants to be involved in this or not. This story will have enough lemons to keep a carnival in drinks for a century, even if we dont see much of it in the first chapter. He stood abruptly and walked swiftly toward the trio at the Gryffindor table. Just as you and Draco had gotten halfway across the room, she sauntered up to the two of you, a triumphant smirk planted on her face. Hed showered, dressed, and headed outside. "Living forever's amazing, Draco," Harry whispered to his soulmate, his forehead pressed up against his as he lightly thumb Harry and Draco are bound to each other and have to survive the forthcoming weeks in each other's presence. I dont own a gun. I think he still feels guilty about what happened last year. Hell, no! he answered back, sweat pooling in the small of his back, and running off him in thin rivulets. It didnt matter how much she tried to stimulate herself, if she didnt fantasize, it was almost impossible to get herself off. About 15 or 16 years after the original story ends, Harry and Hermiones son, James Sirius Potter, is sick. He was soon on his way. She knew her terror might make things seem worse than they were, but she was sure none of them had ever looked like this. Harry started tugging at her sports bra, but had no real clue what he was doing. Within two minutes, Lydia was asleep. Oh my god, Julie groaned. But I think youre going to have to do the work this time. Enjoyment ensues. He obviously hadnt started up with the girls, yet. He was desperate to bury his cock back in the auror, and soon was sliding himself along her wet folds, before gently pushing his head into her. He never let up for a second, frantically thrusting in and out of her trembling flower, his cock covered in her blood as she continued to scream. Hed never been so hard. And she could feel his erection pressing against her leg. She was just starting to shut the door when Harry slammed his body against it, and forced his way inside. Now answer me! (HR: #3 in Malfoy, #4 in which y/n y/l/n plays a game Vernon was your first and only, wasnt he? Turning into a serial rapist?. The method might not be the best, but Ive wanted you for the longest time.. The woman was gasping in fear, but within a few moments she was also thrusting back against Harry, something that his aunt had certainly not been doing her first time. I was too busy choking to really think about it.. Her eyes widened in shock and pleasure. It took Harry less than three minutes to reach the bathroom, and as he had figured, nobody was was using it. It was wonderful! He saw her pain at the ridicule she received from other children, first in the muggle world, then in the magical one, at the name Nymphadora. Harry raised his head. Until she looked at her husbands sad blue eyessaw everything that went wrong. [Name] POV keesoka. When Vernon came thundering down the stairs, the conversation ended. Finally Tonks couldnt take it any more. He was nearly unconscious, himself, when the bright flash of magic surged through himself and Constable Lydia Montague. She did not hesitate for a moment as he tried to roll her over. I seem to be well on the path to raping her, dont I? He thought back to his narrow escapes from the park over the last two days. They entered the small bedroom to find Harry squirming on a chair. Harry reached for his invisibility cloak. Meanwhile, Julie seemed to be swirling his juice around in her mouth, almost like a sampling of fine wine, before she took a swallow. Ron is poisoned on his seventeenth birthday, and is left in a comatose state. I did play with the idea in my mind that the Doctor would exist in one of the worlds (possibly Harrys, but probably not, as there is no mention of regular alien invasions) and that Harry would know of him, just because it would be fun to put Harry with some of the Doctors companions. I think Id like a little warning next time, Petunia sputtered. Story: Dracos Gift Just another Sunday lunch at The Burrow. BY next year, shell take over teaching history, and only teach divination to a few students actually gifted in the subject. She saw, and she wept, as it finally registered just how horribly her family had abused the poor, loyal, caring child. The boost to him is not so great, but he will be with so many magical women that it will add up to a significant boost to him, as well. Usually so bright and intelligent, her mental processes were in meltdown. He was still buried inside her, he couldnt stand the thought of pulling out, it felt so damned good. You had one source of evil within you. His erection was still rock hard and unnaturally large, but his head was pounding so much he couldnt even begin to imagine doing anything about it. Originally Harry wanted love from his uncle. Sometimes I just love magic, he thought to himself. Im going to have to write the damn scene. When Ron discovers that he can see the future, his entire fate is thrown off of its course. "Here," Ginny said and held a dress out to me. So tomorrow morning, Harry, start exercising, Julie insisted. Harry is a very, very strong wizard. And that, as Albus Dumbledore was wont to claim, was saying something. As much my fault as yours, she replied quietly. Merlin, I hate parties!". The reasons for this? Though he never quite noticed, Petunia kept sneaking glances at him, as well. We hit him for asking fairly basic questions! Harry slammed into her for another six minutes, while she experienced three further orgasms, each one more intense, and each one forcing him out of her and sending more fluids streaming down her legs. The version she already knew would last for a week, so she figured if she cast it on him every four to five days, he ought to be fine. Harry continued, alternating his slow, steady strokes with an occasional few seconds of a faster pace for about another seven minutes, stopping for only a few seconds while Petunia spasmed through her third orgasm. Stories from Rihaan's Fanfiction Community (BETA). This ones a little bit shorter than the last two, but hopefully you enjoyed Harry and Lydia! He hoped she wasnt crying. Hi, she said. Soon the meal ended, and Molly began urging her brood up to bed. The British Magic Society was under the terror of a new Dark Lordwho was no other but the man she love the mostRon Weasley. What did you say? Lucius asked. Harry might have to stay on Privet Drive permanently. But knowing they might check my wand for its recent spells, I used Tonks wand for the drying charm., Yes. It was nearly dinner time when Harry finally made it home from Lydias, and Petunia was quite upset with him. Theyd had a brief visit with Fred and George, and Harry had eventually had a private word with them and had given them his Tri-Wizard winnings to help them as they prepared for their joke shop. As Harry entered the kitchen of Number Five, he was still deeply uncomfortable with this. Shed been denying herself ever since shed gotten home from Hogwarts, but this morning she finally allowed herself to think on the hug shed given Harry on their last day at the school. #percyweasley Enter Hermione Granger, who will explain most of what is going on, and point out that even though Harry has remarkable stamina, there are too many women for him to service all the time, and that each and every one of these women are extremely horny all the time, due to some of the effects of the magic if they are decent blokes, they could find themselves having more sex than they ever dreamed of. After his first half hour, he discovered the blond was out jogging once again, and he couldnt help but notice her attractive lines, her trim body, and the nice way she filled out her jogging shorts and sports bra. You dont believe me now, but I promise you that in a few minutes hell make this all better. Ginny just gritted her teeth. Speak, if you dont want more of the same!, It was the last day of school ju just before we left for the Express! Harry started gathering the morning dishes without being asked. Come on, Luv, she said to him. The next day, while everyone is getting ready to leave on the express, Voldemort attacks. Everyone kept leaving him behind anyway. Sorry we havent been around much, he muttered. God! She cried. Oh, Harry!. Ginny trailed off. No, not just like. Did Vernon hurt you for last night?, No, she replied. While he wont reach the level of third stage lensmen, you might say he gets to stage 2 3/4. Just have fun. Ron and Draco were walking behind him. (See, I told you there was a reason none of his early women got pregnant.). (Not to mention he irritates Harry, which is something Ron certainly can't stand. Its supposed to cause uncontrollable lust. While there, Sirius will find and give him a pensieve left for him by his parents. He made a face as though he smelled something nasty. It couldnt be completely healthy. So hed spent two lonely days in the hospital wing, recovering from his minor injuries, only to be fed breakfast, then released, right as the rest of the school was eating in the Great Hall. She saw her rape through Harrys eyes, and his terror as he feared she was going to die, due to his actions. She felt him filling her and stretching her out, as she thrust her body down on him with more and more force. Ill be right there, mother! She rolled out of bed and started grabbing for her clothes. Harry, his girls, and Hogwarts are not dumb. That made five no, six times hed cum since arriving at Grimmauld Place! Phallacio Engorgio! He almost screamed out. From the calls of mum Harry would guess it was Dudley. With Dracos intense hatred for Potter, he had almost agreed. Call it a gift. Last updated: 06/12/2012 Falling in love wasn't on the list of things Blaise envisioned when he returned to the UK after years abroad, living on the Continent. A past that was too hard to bear,A regret that he could not share.A heart that was filled with pain,A regret that will remain. Bedroom, he confirmed. You know what hes like. As Ron avoided writing him all summer due to the Headmasters orders, he quickly shut up. He has to bonk the witch. "Thank you, Ginny. Hermione, we have company! Harry increased the speed of his thrusts, staring all the while into his lovers gorgeous brown eyes. Its not like you really hurt me very much the other morning, and this time you wouldnt hurt me at all.. There's not enough rum at his station to make it through with Draco Malfoy across the aisle, especially when said former enemy seems to have more at stake than he's letting on. It said the spell that sometimes controls my body is evil, but I am not. 45 years after the Second Wizarding War. But all too quickly, Harry had cum. The only way to break the bloody curse is for his school enemy (and long time crush) Harry Potter, to say he loves him. Summer homework would be much more fun, he decided, if they could do practical magic, rather than just essays. The mewling turned into a full moan, and Lydias hips bucked against him. Meanwhile, sometime in the next few weeks, I hope to come back to this chapter and actually fully write all of the above. I dont own a gun. Back at Grimmauld, the Prophet will continue to rake Harry over the coals, and this time they arent going to take it. Its OK, Harry, she whispered. His erection was still large and rock-hard, and his face fell at the thought that his aunt had had enough, but she promptly roll over and pulled her knees under her, then thrust her ass at him. Sorry, he whispered. just story about death , the properchy child and dark lord and himself with mere human tragic story that paint with blood and tear. Petunia wanted to complain about doing it in the kitchen, but Harry was getting too good at pleasing her, and her attempt at a complaint came out as a very sexy moan. Harry wasnt about to say anything. Anything to speed the process, he replied, before letting out a gasp as she again took the head of his cock in her mouth. Harrys erection sprang back on the scene in an instant at the erotic sight. She obviously still had more in her mouth. The pace was far slower than before, and Petunia couldnt help but spread her legs a little further, and began moving her own hips in rhythm with his. He could fight off the imperious, for Christ sake but he could do nothing against this. Potter is the enemy!, Lucius backhanded him. He grunted loudly, as he was trying to aim his cock back into her slit, but instead he slid his own hand up and down his shaft, and began spewing string after string of thick white cum over her back. The theft, the violence, the bullying. Thankfully hers was excellent, and she ended up giving him more support than she received. Later that night, I slipped into the dress. After another attack the Grangers end up living in Gryffindor as well. The wise bird studied the woman for a moment, then tilted its head and cried three tears gently on her back. Draco found it amusing when he heard them. There has to be some magical ability to be boosted and strengthened for Lily and Hermione to have been witches. Between that damned lust potion and whatever power you have over all of us, I think weve probably both got too much need for the kind of slow pace I would have liked for my first time. He saw a sensitive child who was hurt beyond what she could understand, who felt betrayed by her parents and the sister shed loved so much, and who put the blame entirely on the gift of magic her sister had been discovered to have. But his father had been in a terrible mood for days. She was still trying to figure out what to do in such a situation, when the two of them had started gently weeping. He just held her in his arms for perhaps two minutes, then the pressure from his bladder got to be too much. Please?, Harry thought back to the memories hed shared with the cute blond muggle, and he remembered that she had seemed to appreciate both rough sex, and some smacks on the rear. As he continued his turn, he found himself staring at the oddest sight. Three orgasms later, for her, Harry finally managed to cum a fourth time. By this point, all three were standing. At least, for the violent ones. var sc_text=2; She was trembling, as she stared down at her nephew, hidden behind the bed on the floor, on the side farthest from the door. Soon Vernon was off to work, and Dudley was off to find his gang, after a warning from his mother to behave himself. I dont own Harry Potter. (Pay no mind to the one-eyed beast that seems to be lurking in the shadows- it's almost certainly nothing to worry about. It had been three years since the War, and somehow, someway, they had rebuilt. Several more followed it. She grinned. She saw all the times he defended her to Ron, and all the times hed gently told Ron off when his thoughtless words had hurt her. She loves him, and the whole memory thing causes her to desire him, but she refuses to allow it to happen again, which leads after several weeks to her getting more and more out of control, and eventually to the early chapter Mcgonigal and the Twins. I clear my throat. The excuse was that Hermione had badgered Tonks into teaching her a few auror-level spells, but Ginny didnt see why she couldnt be involved, as well. Youre always saying those things about Hermione and-, I dont say those things about Granger just because shes muggle born, I just generally dont like her, he laughed slightly, and you smiled at their amusing rivalry. Idk what its short for but his name is Wynn, Which means yes. Probably connected with this Vulcan mind-meld thing.. The two cuddled each other as they rode out the wonderful throes of their orgasms. His lips found her throat, and he gently kissed her right along her carotid artery, even as his hips began to move in and out. She fell back on his bed, shocked and in pain. She saw their planning sessions as they tried to find ways to combat the curse and give her a choice in the matter. One shot. You distantly heard Hermione gasp, a sound that caused the lip-locked pair to part in surprise. More than you know, actually. var sc_invisible=0; I have been using so many other universes, anyway I did think about two stories that branch out from the main tale, narrated by Marvel Comics The Watcher. Her eyes focused on that spark as Harry continued to thrust into her, and she could swear she saw his awareness growing. The next two or three days are spent with the Grangers, then Harry will return to Privett Drive (though not #4) for a day or two, spending some time with his first girls. That was how theyd ended up with his arms wrapped around her and his hands sketching comforting circles in her back. As he entered the large hall and moved toward the Gryffindor table, he heard what sounded like a loud SQUEEEE! and Hermione hurtled into his arms. I see you like the commando look, she joked. ABANDONED DUE TO REENFORCED NON-ADULT POLICIES. Mum? And since Harry already knew almost everything the Order was up to direct from Tonks mind, it really wasnt all that informative. Put a little energy into it! He slapped her round cheek a little more firmly, and she groaned. .2) , , , , , , , .3) , , "" .4) , .5) ! (Y/N) tell me this isnt true, he begged, looking at you in both fear and disappointment. The different angle led to different but equally wonderful feelings in his cock as he thrust into her, and the view of her round ass bouncing off his pelvis, her hips gripped tightly in his hands, was a real turn-on. He was starting to get excited as he shoved Dudleys hand-me-downs past his hips and let the pants bunch around his ankles. If only he could understand why you did what you did, then maybe he could learn to accept you, regardless of your blood status. Ill castrate you!, Little bastard? Julie murmured. Please, Harry, she pleaded, Please fuck me! Harry was out of his pants so quickly, he would have suspected hed somehow banished them, if he couldnt see them laying on the ground. When he returns, he will be able to create lenses that have all the properties of the original, except that they may even be able to be worn by women. So good, sooo good, he muttered. "Well, I think he's changed for the better. Ron had sat forward in his chair. Harry must travel to each of these other existences, find and love his ladies, and then they will remember their unfinished lives. He wrapped his lips around the little nub and held it tightly with them while he brushed the tip of his tongue against the top of the nub. Now she knows she really has the gift, even if only weakly, and she can see from Harrys memory what everybody thinks of her. You turned on your heel, storming away from the scene. Right here, she answered, lust in her eyes. Shell hit him with a cruciatus, and hell scream, but under the curse, hell take her right in the middle of the ministry. Too much chance of being interrupted. Please, Harry, slap my ass! His thrusting faltered. But when Petunia looked at him with a hurt expression in her eyes and said Harry! in that horrified tone, he reached out with a seekers speed, and the potato was off Dudleys fork and back on Harrys plate. I think I think I think it told me I have to try and protect people, from Voldemorts evil, and from this rape curse, if I can find some way to do it., It cant speak, like we do. Petunia, Julie and Lydia couldnt really suggest much in regards to a return to Hogwarts. Youll really need it if you plan on adding Ms Montague to the rotation.. The auror glared once at the stupid elephant leg umbrella stand, and took Hermiones elbow gently as she guided her to the stairs. Soon Gryffindor Tower (and eventually the others, except Slytherin) will become near-constant orgies. I thought he would have been hauled off by the aurors even before we got off the Hogwarts Express, but even if he resisted that long, by now hes got to be dead, or in the hands of muggle law enforcement! Dudley whined a little about the meal portions, but he was starting to adjust to it. Havent you ever wondered why weve never heard of her family name? The two of them utterly exhausted from the combination of nearly an hour of continuous sex and little sleep the night before, they fell asleep in one anothers arms. Chapter Eight will be greatly expanded when I know what I want to do with it. He grabbed the fabric with his hands, but it stubbornly refused to tear, so he violently pulled it to the side to reveal her shaved bush and her dripping sex. But after dinner, he went to bed early for a chance to catch up on some sleep. And as he advanced further through her life and realized she was a police officer, a single thought battered aside every other consideration. And shed managed to convince Sirius and Molly it would be a good idea to give him a bit of room, and try to draw him out slowly and gently. Others will continue to provide the usual ministy-approved nonsense, but at least both sides will be getting told. I wonder who this hottie will be? Harry thought, reaching for the paper. Ron was supposed to live a normal life then figured out he could see the future. Her hands were in his hair, drawing his head deeper between her legs. No wonder I felt you so plainly inside of me! The first several strings had arched right over her, and landed somewhere beyond the bed. Dumbledore pushed them into the room and left. Will she be all right?, The bird continued to stare, and Harry had a feeling he was being judged. Bella has been heavily abused, and is seriously messed up. He saw the pain that pureblood bastards like Malfoy caused her, and the greater pain shed felt from the seeming betrayal of the Lions McGonagall had said would be her family at Hogwarts. He wondered how Lydia would taste. Wont to claim, was saying something I want to do in such a situation when. Their bodies in Hogwarts teach divination to a return to Hogwarts silencing charm around room... Return to Hogwarts third stage lensmen, you might say he gets to stage 2 3/4 basic lunch a... The ministry can not detect anything that happens here nearly unconscious, himself, when bright. Thankfully hers was excellent, and Molly began urging her brood up ron hurts draco fanfiction from... Lily and Hermione to have to do in such a situation, when two. 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