Then she said that due to recent changes(that she didnt explain) I dont qualify. Guests in wheelchairs can usually be accommodated at the point of entry in most rides, so if your only concern is about lines and boarding with a scooter or wheelchair, you may not need the DAS at all. Do you think the genie+ is needed or do you think the DAS system would of been enough for your child ? Now, Walt Disney World has streamlined the process, giving Guests the option to pre-register for their DAS pass30 days in advance of a park visit, all the way up until 2 days prior to arrival. We recently shared a full guide to Disney Genie and the Lightning Lane, but since that time, these services have finally launched in the parks. I got pretty good driving the scooter. If Disney expects her to wear a diaper because they won't allow her to wait the same amount of time as everyone else, except outside the line, then that would be nothing short of appalling. If theres no one waiting, why not let them go again, right? Im disabled and cant stand for long and need some rides to be stopped so I can get off and on. When you step foot in the park, the DAS button will activate on the apps of everyone associated with that DAS reservation. This new service is super hopful to get the DAS registration out of the way, and you can get two rides or shows ready to go before you even leave for your trip! Or. DAS passes are assigned on a case-by-case basis, so we recommend visiting Guest Relations as soon as you arrive to see what options are available for you. It lists all the places in each park that are a quiet area if you need it. That rule was abolished years ago after people "scammed" the system which is really unfortunate. They sound very similar. Guests should visit Guest Relations at any park if they have questions or need assistance due to a disability. If you're planning to stick together the entire time, then only one person would need DAS (as DAS can accommodate the guest with DAS, plus up to five guests). Guests can still visit the attraction, Guest Relations or a Guest Experience Team umbrella to receive return times. If you have a regular ticket, it is good for the length of your ticket. DAS pass are for disabilities!!! In 2013, Disney moved to the Disability Access Service Card, which allows guests with disabilities to reserve a time for an attraction, similar to the current FastPass system. This includes guests with both visible injuries or disabilities and those with less visible, non-apparent disabilities that could impact their park experience. Of course this is good advice ALWAYS. We really commend Disney for taking steps to make this service even more accessible, and its a great step in the right direction for future users of the DAS program. DISboards Thread of the Day: Is the Epcot Hotel Back On at Walt Disney World? The advanced reservations are at Disneys discretion and guest relations cant make changes with less than two days notice. Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends TM & Ward Productions, Inc. Nintendo. My son also has ADHD. I offered my DOD ID card and doc letter without being asked. Thanks! Guests must enter the theme park of their choice, then go to Guest. Is this condition something that you would consider to offer me and the family any support. I have fibromyalgia and I was wondering would I be able to get the das service thanks. The main thing is you need to be able to explain what her needs are, why she needs to wait outside of a traditional line. Until you have walked a mile in their shoes, you have no idea what it's like. DAS and Genie+ are different systems, but they can be used together! Then eventually when I see lines down go back in and make my purchase. Any adult or child with a disability that could endanger them, prevent them from fully enjoying the parks or waiting in a traditional line qualifies for DAS. We just got off our DAS video chat for my son who is diagnosed with ADHD and Anxiety, the user posted. Cart. Id say there are tons of people trying to use it as a free Genie+/Lightning Lane, trying to game the system, one poster added. Its important to note that if you are traveling with a wheelchair or scooter, you can still enter the standard queue at most attractions or speak to the cast member to see if there is an alternate entrance available. Disney is very accommodating of individuals who the DAS still does not accommodate and will work with you to find a solution for your needs. Does it have to be obtained at individual attractions or is it available for a whole park? Guest Services barely has a line. The service can be set-up by any individual by visiting Guest Relations at any of the parks. If Soarin has a 30-minute wait, perhaps you choose that and make your way over there, stopping at the restrooms, at the gift shop, at another ride with a shorter line, or get your photo taken by a Disney photographer. Note that DAS is still determined on a case-by-case basis. Its important to note that the previous offering will still remain, so if you arent interested in the new features, you can still use the DAS program in the way you have on previous visits. It was announced last year that beginning November 1, 2021, with the inception of Genie+ there would also be changes made to the DAS system. If you get denied, try calling again. If park hopping, selections will become available once you tap into that park. This subreddit is dedicated to all things Walt Disney World! More on that later. Cart. shopDisney. Already have one? Money over equality I guess. First, it depends on how you "do Disney". If we visit guest relations when we get to the park, do you know if they will ever make an exception and increase the party size allowed to ride to accommodate our full party? DAS is intended for Guests who have difficulty tolerating extended waits in a conventional queue environment due to a disability, it says on the Disney website. We got a bit of a behind-the-scenes tour through the employee area. Not discouraging you from continuing to try to get a DAS pass, but if they continue to deny it, just know genie+ is really great as we virtually walked on to every ride we utilized it for. Second, the amount of people who are dismissing someone's anxiety with out any first hand knowledge of how it feels, or with out more info is crazy. We only had 4 total in our group. We would love to be able to book 2 rides each day in advance. Oftentimes, accommodations will be made at individual attractions if the system is not working at all. Wish Disney had a call-back option-- just silly not to if they are so badly understaffed! It's very disappointing as now we can't access the advance selections either as they're not able to be accessed for non pre-registered guests. - T.H. and I'd appreciate more examples of medical conditions that have been accommodated. You can return to Soarin to use that DAS any time until closing. You can rent one on site at each park, or through a company that delivers it to your hotel. If you are already inside EPCOT, there are Guest Relations locations near Spaceship Earth and near the International Gateway entrance. I have been looking for the answer but getting conflicting results. I talked to a CM who said to explain that it's "dangerous" if she can't get to the facilities in a timely fashion. Heres what you can expect from the DAS when you visit Disney World! Some rides allowed us to bring the scooter all the way up, including Soarin. Our reviews include exclusive Frog Family tips and insights to help plan your trip. With the DAS you can book it as many times as you want, as long as you go on the ride and then rebook it. Note that the Advance Selections are only available to those who do the pre-arrival call. JavaScript is disabled. Note that there are often TWO places to scan in on a ride at the Lightening Lane entrance, and just before getting on the ride. Thank you. Can I ask if the people you spoke to gave you a way of a UK citizen pre-registering please? The cardholder does not need to be present when obtaining a return time, though. Where do I receive more return times for attractions? Because you can only choose the next available time window, the window can start as soon as five minutes later or hours away, depending on the ride and crowds. I read your blog and Disney's information about it, but it's worded weird. We highly encourage you to take advantage of the early registration when its available this fall, as it will make your first day in the parks much less stressful. Does anybody have any experience with the DAS and medical conditions that require getting out of line and aren't autism or other cognitive-behavioral conditions? I wanted to share the correct information in case other families needed to register for DAS instead of waiting and expecting LL privileges. Once youve experienced an attraction, you can receive another return time. Each park has a guide map with disability information noting restrooms, attractions that are accessible, etc. DAS is assigned and given out on a case-by-case basis, so you'll need to talk to Guest Services upon arriving at the parks on your first day. They arent going to explain why they made these changes to prevent people from simply calling back and changing their story. Once tapped into the park, a DAS button will appear in the app. The Jungle Cruise has a boat (Bertha) with a fancy wheelchair system that rises for the wheelchair or scooter entrance, then rotates and lowers into place on the boat. If you do bring your scooter all the way to the ride loading area, they may need to move it to the exit so you have it when you return. We are going to Disneyland at the end of September and our brother has multiple disabilities. We tried twice to get a video call but backed up twice was told to wait until day of park and they can help us. Know that if you need it, they will stop the ride so the person can get on safely. This was over video chat. They will tell you "the current wait time is 45 minutes, so you can come back any time after (gives you a time 45 minutes from the current time).". I plan on taking a break in these areas when I need to, or possibly on a schedule to prevent a panic attack/meltdown situation. No more waiting! We tried calling Disability Services at 407-560-2547 again and they told us it should be accessible to everyone however, as a non-U.S. citizen, you are not the only one to have an issue with this. Guest Services is in City Hall, the first building youll see. So frustrating.. Slinky Dog Dash was broken during our 8-9 pm window and we were out of luck. For instance, you could purchase Genie+ for the extra person so that they can make a Genie+ reservation overlapping your DAS return time, so they can join you in the Lightning Lane. This is planning to launch in the fall and will allow you to virtually register with their assistance. I think that what opens it to abuse is that there's no way to police that people aren't using the stand-by lines for other rides when they're waiting out comeback times (which I know a lot of people who get phony DAS passes do). If Peter Pan's Flight is a 50-minute wait, your return time for that attraction would be in 50 minutes. During the fireworks there are soo many places to watch where there are NO crowds. As an annual passholder, how long is the Das good for? How do you even try and apply in advance for DAS?! No, DAS is valid for 60 days once registered. Disney World's Disability Access Service (DAS) provides assistance for guests and families with disabilities to navigate more easily and enjoy the parks. Now, does Disney need a better system to help stop people who don't have a particular issue from claiming they do yes. Disneys Hollywood Studios: There are two options, one inside and one outside of the park; both are near the park entrance on the left-hand side. It wasn't until Disney changed the policy to "physical disabilities don't qualify for DAS" that people stopped doing it. Both Walt Disney World in Florida and Disneyland in California offer what is known as the Disney Parks Disability Access Service (DAS) card to guests with disabilities that are not apparent - i.e., they are not confined to a wheelchair, scooter, or other mobility assisting device. My daughter is also disabled would we be able to get DAS for her as well, or is is just 1 person per group? Disability Access Service (DAS) is a wonderful attempt by Disney to help disabled people. We are traveling in from the West Coast and have a group of 10. There are special viewing areas on parade routes and some shows for guests with disabilities, but those cannot be reserved and are on a first-come, first-served basis. These special viewing areas cannot be reserved through the DAS card and guarantee you a spot, as they operate on a first-come, first-served basis. I explained that waiting in lines for a long time with my anxiety cause me to have panic attacks and I become overwhelmed and over stimulated. Another member of your party can obtain a return time, but the guest with DAS must enter the attraction with the party members. The cast member who we talked to said international guests can pre-register for DAS so it may be worth trying again! In visits past, Guests would be required to visit Guest Services upon arrival at the parks in order to obtain their DAS pass, which would be linked to their account, would be effective through their stay, and would include an additional 5 party members. Everybody is different, so please don't take any of that the wrong way I am just trying to be helpful and say maybe plan your vacation around your needs. The accounts of the two DAS members would need be kept separate, but you can certainly try to time the two return times around the same time so that the two groups of six can all go together as a bigger party. Exactly!! Thank you. Well that was wasted money, because we could book a DAS the second we walked into the park. If I was to purchase a wagon style, that has seats with a 5 point harness in it, will DAS allow me to bring it into the parks? There is a new option to pre-register for DAS via live video chat with a cast member, at least 2 to 30 days before your visit. And like the other poster said if you don't get one at one park try again. I think that if you're worried about people faking disabilities to get a benefit, then maybe the system needs to be tweaked even more so that reasonable accommodations are given, but there's a trade-off so that you wouldn't get more production than you would if the stand-by line was available to you. Is this correct? Do you have any tips? I'm located in Australia. If you are picturing your sister waiting on a bench outside the attraction, how are you proposing she get to the head of the line when it is her turn to ride? And I have 2 other kids. If you know you cant ride certain types of attractions, we recommend doing a little planning ahead of your trip to avoid disappointment when you arrive in the parks. Lol. As for your Blue Badge, you may need to apply for a temporary disabled parking permit through the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles. Definitely. You do not choose a return time. As instructed, they engaged in a live video call with a Cast Member to plead their case. However, if you're having issues and are unable to register virtually through DAS Advance, there is still the option to sign up for DAS in person at the parks. The diaper suggestion makes me want to cry. Several others questioned why the original poster thought an ADHD and Anxiety diagnosis would even qualify their child for the pass, claiming theyd be taking it from someone who truly needs it.Moderators have since locked the thread, prohibiting future comments. 5) Disney is giving you accommodation, but not advantage over other guests. I registered for DAS and got accepted. I would call back and speak with a supervisor. At the current time, if you are eligible for this pass, you would visit Guest Services to obtain your pass. Ding ding ding! You can have both advance selections and return times active at the same time. So, at 2 p.m., you could make another Genie+ selection, despite not going on the 7 p.m. ride yet. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Diapers have to be an option for anyone with urinary conditions. It takes a lot of time and effort to get someone using a wheelchair into these ride vehicles. While DAS return times require you to wait the full standby time, Genie+ selections can be made for the next available time window and can be used right away. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. This service is also known as the Disney disability pass. It is intended to help any guests who have difficulty waiting in line queues. I am not writing a bathroom post, but know that the bathrooms are all accessible, though some are more accessible than others (especially if youre in a scooter), including the single-family-type restrooms. The video call is screen reader-friendly and available with text chat for those with visual or hearing disabilities. If you want two selections for each day, the entire length of your trip must be within 30 days. My sister is 22. Hi there, I think this is the case sadly. Here is the registration link for the DAS at Disney World. The two kids would need to be separate (cant be listed as a guest of the other kid) and each would need their own return times. Thanks. We've tried to confirm with Guest Services about this issue and we've been told twice that DAS Advance is available to international guests. If 2 of us in a group of qualify for a DAS and we split our party for booking DAS, can we still be under 1 MDE account so we can genie+, virtual ques and lightening lane together? Since the child does not have their own ticket, the DAS would be linked to the adults ticket. The Mandalorian & Grogu Surprise Guests in Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge. Finally got through to Disability Services after hours waiting on the phone, who stated that it is not possible to pre-register for DAS if you live outside the USA or Canada. Seems like the people who had the most luck got on right when they opened at 7:00. There are a total of 7 of us in our group. 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