nickel allergy vaping

Im a mess. Def from vaping in my opinion. I didnt break out at all but it has been a week off it and slowly the hives r coming back, itching mostly at night. It needs to be taken seriously so that we can be honest and admit that their are some health issues that need to be dealt with and the conversation will push people into coming up with different safer chemicals that dont give you e cig poisoning. Once your body has developed a reaction to a particular agent (allergen) in this case, nickel your immune system will always be sensitive to it. As known, Ni-hypersensitivity can induce less frequently also respiratory allergy (RA . I wasnt a heavy smoker and Im hoping I can last a few days without the ecig or regular cigs. nothing from the Doctor seems to work, Instead, 5 days ago I cut alcohol, coffe, chocolate, and dairy (Im gluten intolerant and decided to try paleo AIP cause I was feeling like sh***). I stopped e cigs and feeling better. THANK YOU TO THOSE FEW THAT TOOK THE TIME TO INCLUDE THE SPECIFICS. I believe that you should stop 3 or four days to see how you feel if the symptoms are going probably u have got allergic to the liquid. DISCLAIMER: All electronic cigarette reviews featured on are based on our personal views and experiences with the tested devices. When I jump down in nic levels there is always a correlation with the Area clearing up substantially, We all can do this!!!! Signs and symptoms include an itchy rash with redness, swelling, scaling and possibly a crusty appearance. However, I have an itchy red rash all over my body, mainly on legs and arms. Are you vaping on nickel coils? Also had diziness and diarhea and basically feeling high in a bad way but the doctor said it was a virus, said it was unlikely to do with this and im not entirely sure will try antihistamine to see if it is! I started smoking e cig in 2010 after about a year.MAJOR skin issues. This poison? A lot of people have it but ignore it. I had to use nasal spread to clear my nose and get a temperate relief for a day or two and this condition lasted for a couple of months. Finally an answer to my one month long struggle that caused me $600 and long itchy sleepless nights! Its total poisen for me. These include sinus problems, headaches and nausea, and in some cases numbness of the face and itchy hives. Rash and itchiness has returned. I hope I can just quit and be ok, but Im really nervous. Hi. I stopped smoking for 13 years (and started again 15 years ago) and remember the symptoms well. Alarm bells have begun to ring. No crazy drip mod or nothing just standard e cig.. I will keep you updated on my journey. My breathing also get really bad over the nearly ~3 years of usage of e-cigs. Root canal treatment and antibiotics cleared this but returned days later I hope this helps. It is painful and I get these white pus pockets all over my tonsils Im probably allergic to something in the ecigs (I have tried two different brands). It almost feels like your entire bloodstream is infected. After two years of sore mouth and gums, I am finally quitting my e-cigs thanks to this site and the strength it has given me. Skin is comming back as normal. Vaping is when you use a handheld device to breathe in a mist ("vapor"). I know that is what caused it and has been over a week. A severe form of nickel allergy called systemic nickel allergy syndrome can also cause headaches, fatigue . Yes! Classic nic overdose symptoms. hoarseness. I also developed some sort of hives on the inside of my forearms. Reply. I wished I had now. I started using the refillable kind in place of chewing tobacco just as a way to get my fix. And the rash on my lower leg remains constantly. 2. Steel? A lot of people have it but ignore it. did you get a fever mine was as high as 100.8. Lisa I had that same thing with bumps on my tongue. Are you sure it was from the P.G. But now Im freaking out because I have nothing! Rash has spread all over my body, my appetite is non existent, and my sleep sucks. Have you ever heard of someones lips feeling sunburned and dry and swollen and painfull I cant take it but it seems to bee since I quit smoking cigarettes and started using magic puff menthol.I think its the pg. Ugh fml.anyone else have the same issues. I can hardly talk and after 24 hours its gone down but it really hurts, I vaped in various forms over the past two years with no problem then bam, this starts happening which is really weird. By the way, which department in Marlboro do you work for? I had to stop because it burnt my mouth, throat and wind pipe. I have no idea if the vaping affected the clotting issue but I do wonder if the skin and scalp problems are, in fact, the cause of my horrible skin problems. I know of people who went through the exact symptoms youre speaking of. Its ecig poisoning. I stopped smoking and started vapping and within 1 month I was covered in hives from head to toe. They will start of as a little mosquito bite and slowly develop in to blotches all up arms, shoulders neck, anywhere skin rubs against its self or under my belt, extremelt itchy!!! Extreme flu like symptoms and in extreme cases death. I have three different vaper devices, all expensive refillable, variable voltage/wattage devices, thinking if I was to stop smoking and e-gics could be much better for me, I should enjoy the experience, hmm, or not perhaps? I stopped vaping when it finally hit me. And when you get sick from vaping remember us who did and your reply. I changed all my beddings and got new mattress ($600), threw away half of my clothes and dry-cleaned the rest. I have been using ecigs for about three months. I quit smokeing 4 years ago and used the Safe Cig brand .They wwent out of business , so I went to the new vape pen anyway after a short time I could not breath and have had several URI and now they say cold .I say no way it has to be the vapeing I am making some changes . HeadachesAnd manthe neck pain I pray I we all find the courage to face and conquer our addictions and get our health back.. i have beenitching almost a month and the only thing that helps me is zertec.i quit smoking ciggs all together after smoking 19 yrs.e ciggs helped me quit in 2 weeks but this itching is hell!!!!!! the burning starts immediately. A year ago Sept.9,2013 I gave up cigarettes and started to use e-cigs. And its all the sudden. I quit smoking cigarettes over a year ago and started vaping with no issue gradually going from 1.8 to .6. What most vapers dont know is that the wide majority of flavorscome in a base of propylene glycol, so even though its advertised as 100% vegetable glycerin, it can still contain various amounts of PG and cause allergic reactions. Are these real problems or are these people paid by big tobacco companies to make it seem like vaping is dangerous? No use! The nickel allergy looks like a red patch and bumps on the skin. Quit smoking 1 month ago and started using an e-cig. This is getting as expensive as cigs. So know its not from a withdrawl or anything. Sickness, drowsiness is often first. We are all treading an unproven path so I guess we should be aware that these symptoms can only be e-cig related. Oh ya. Sub-ohm Vaping. Nearly the entire 6 years I have had a constant chronic headache. Recently i started having some wheezing anytime i vape. Only two days last week trying an ecig. I had a severe allergic reaction; hives, swelling and nausea! The rash,redness and swelling is just about gone. I fit really isnt happening for you, dont go back to analogues. I even feel i cant breath and dizzy and i have to go to the hospital , so does anyone experience such a thing? In my ears it the worst pain imaginable I stopped for 6month off the e cigs and felt amazing I wanted Applied the cream and all seems normal again now. Thanks internet =O) Its possible the Eliquid was getting on to my skin by being on my hands or cloths but my whole body would flare up not just a small area wher the liquid may have made contact. It helped me quit once before. There is just too many things that we dont know about them. I have had same exact symtoms and scroured the net for a while before I found this place I thought I was completely alone everyone and the doctors just thought I was full of shit I have lost relationships over this while in extreme pain. Im a heavy 2pack/day smoker, cut down to 1 pack/day on day one, at 1.2, and then raising up to 1.8 because the istick 20 wasnt doing it for me. I M DYING HERE! Required fields are marked *. I only use 3 mg, now, and will soon be cutting that in half and switching to VG, 90-100% (although that is harder on devices, because of viscosity) I dont want to smoke cigarettes, but am not quite ready to quit ecigs. I have been on the e cig for 2 months. Regulated (Voltage / Wattage / 3.7v/ Temp Control) . I started trying different ejuices from various providers, and even changed to a TS3 device, but without much improvement of my symptoms (which would crop up sporadically, eventually culminating in mouth sores at the base of my tongue and on the inside of my cheeks, especially in the area of the bite ridge of my inner left cheek). My chest is hurting when I run and I have difficulty breathing recently. He has always suffered from exzema but since using it has had a number of severe allergic reactions to something, and has had to visit A & E and his GP, who have said they do not know what is causing them. I have changed my diet too, but these symptoms persist.All my medical tests and scans have came back clear, so it only leaves one thing to stop and that is vaping I am of the opinion that vaping is without a doubt the cause of my health problems, but I am finding very difficult to STOP. Keep money in a bag, purse or wallet rather than loose in trouser pockets. No. Ill need 2 weeks for a full clear if it goes like last time. Im sure there are no bed bugs sleeping with me and sure they could not have been insect bites. Symptoms were tight chest shortness of breath shaky tired ringing in ears sore throat dry mouth. I will however keep putting the 10 a day in my jar. Sleep paralysis! It seems physical reactions are an elephant in the room that people seem to want to ignore I think because the symptoms are quite varied. Forum Help, Updates, Suggestions & Feedback. I wouldnt put anything from China in my body. If Im vaping to compensate for cigarette withdraw I use this ultra low mix. I know thats a stretch but the only time Im symptom free is first thing in the morning after a night of not vaping & the symptoms begin about the third vape. Im pretty certain its the vaporizer. This past fall and winter, not much at all stuck inside puffing the heck out of e-cigs with clouds of vapor lingering around my head. Stopped smoking them and will never again. After 10 emergency visit in 2014 finally I know ecig is killing me. It stung when I first started I was told it would stop. My nickel food allergy occurs when I eat foods with high concentrations of nickel. Alex above is right. Nicotine poisoning can do that. I have been vamping for about 9 months and have enjoyed not smoking cigarettes. New posts. This then turned into a nasty cough appearing when lying down and/or after elevated breathing rate, i.e. Well its been real and its been fun, but it hasnt been real fun! Im bookmarking this page to come back and read more comments. Hi Sam, I too have been Vaping a year and all of a sudden started itching every where and had a hard time breathing and sore throat. I have tried every style of vaping there is on the market and different blends of juice as well from diy to all the big vaping brands, but still have the same symptoms. Its an old thread this but eh . Its ecig poisoning. Doc initially said viral lung infection but now (9 weeks on), not so sure. We all need to help everyone out and put the word out! 1. I think Medicaid cover close to 45000 in hospital bills. Hi!! I went to the dermatologist and they took samples of my breakouts to be tested to see what was causing these skin issues came back negative. Im convinced its prolonged contact of a small concentrated area/particle on my skin where the air isnt naturally drying it up. I quite this shit. Overview. And white lumpy burning spots all over face and chest which no doctor seems to no whats going on untill today I spoke to my friend who started vaping two days ago has chronic ear pain pain and lumps all over her face the same as mine these need investigating further some days I thought I was going to die with the pain in my head I couldnt get off the pillow my advise is bin them fast !! My cousin and I (who is a doctor) have done some research on PG. I felt the same thing with You , i know i love vapping but the side efffect is scary me Out . Im wondering if they are being caused by the liquid. Have tried reducing nicotine? Intermittent sharp needle poke pains in eye balls. But yes, it is happening, it is caused by propylene glycol and its not good for you. I believe these do cause that. I have been vaping for about a year now. I quit 3 years ago and started my juice at 36mg of nicotine and am now down to 12mg. Glad to be off tobacco and really like the e-cigs. I have just started to get this dry itchy sensation around my lip upper as well as lower. Heavy metals like nickel, tin, lead and cadmium. But that transitioned into all day. From hives I have severe swelling in the face my eyes lips and cheeks. Is there something that a doctor could test for and something like allergy shots that I could get? So I experimented with many others. I bought now solutions vegetable glycerine.I mix in flavorganice organic chocolate flavor with few drops of water. i was using buck naked products.i will have to stop. So you prefer 4000 other chemicals in cigarettes as your preferred poison? Just using 12mg nicotine. Ok I have a question for all you Vaping Guru's. I have an allergy to Nickel and found this out the hard way. I felt so bad that i couldnt get out of bed and normally function so with that i didnt vape. I know this due to having xrays yrly for lung cancer. vaping with nickel dangerous ?? Before getting a piercing, check to be sure the studio uses sterile, nickel-free or surgical-grade stainless steel needles in sealed packages. Bumpy skin, sore, burns, so much so my GP referred me to a dermatologist, who stated that I must be allergic to something. You should definitely stop using e-cigs for a while, to see if your condition improves, and if youre not ready to give up on them yet, maybe try a different model and another e-liquid. A well thought out answer that makes sense!!! Although higher percentages of PG are often reported to have a more drying effect on the mouth, it's not uncommon for 100% VG vapers to still experience it. I am also a chain vaper after being a very light smoker! Even with low 6mg liquid they are effectively upping their nicotine intake 50x even 100x. But nickel can be found in many everyday items, such as coins, zippers, eyeglass frames, cosmetics, detergents, and even some electronics, including cellphones and laptops. ultimately leads to clogging of the pores.bacteria doing their thing..and boom, breakout, im no expert but experiencing this for 6 months trying this and that and the other, changing my diet, my exercise, the liquidseverything in my life..all along i have had this strange feeling that the acne is being caused by my body trying to protect my skin from the damage e-cigs are causing, google sebum guys see what you think, Also I found I had allergy to latex or plastic in bottles. I had swollen tonsil and pain innmy throat for almost a year when i used to vape few years ago. My husband quit the same time, cold turkey. Most people pointing the the PG in the e-liquid. Its been almost a week since Ive started the antibiotic and Ive been taking so many different decongestants and nothing has worked. E cigs need to go through the FDA. Crail, Lying in bed the back of my shoulders burn from being in contact with the sheets/mattress. I smoked jc classics Canadian made product. I know it is from the vapor cig that is causing these new symptoms, but I really want to wean off these and be nicotine free. Nothing worked except quitting vaping. I have mainly the red blotches all over my body from excessive gaping, I vape all day non stop. I noticed most say they have a rash but few say they have DRY SKIN? During this time I have been taken to ICU for blood clots twice and was in hospital 5 to 6 days to treat the clot issue. Hi Everyone, I have been vaping for about 5months now and every few weeks I am getting the most painful mouth ulcers, they seem to be getting worse each time! I also am weezing less than when I vaped. Its still too early to tell if its helping my other symptoms. It started about 2 days after I started vaping. Now I have to read everything ! I have used various flavors and different appliances to vape, and until a few days ago have really enjoyed vaping. I am so miserable with what I assume are side-effects from the 21st Century e-cig I use. Anxiety generalized Back to marboros I go.. Gee, that is rough. Being paranoid that something might possibly be harming you, causes your body to react as if something really is harming you, this is your bodys natural defense against accidental overdoses. Accessed April 30, 2021. Accessed April 30, 2021. Ran out of ciggs and smoked a ecig for about 2 days sporadically. HERE IS WHAT I AM NOTICING THAT IS RATHER INTERESTING. It's a allergic reaction to the Chrome and Nickel used in chrome plating the Tank systems. Change your vaping style. That mighmight just be from quitting smoking. I always need something to help me fall asleep through the pain. However, during this time, I have developed an eczema type rash over and under both eyelids. My wife and I have smoked standard cigarettes for so many years. Member For 3 Years. Nickel allergy, also known as nickel hypersensitivity or Systemic Nickel Allergy Syndrome (SNAS), results from an adverse immune response to nickel exposure. Yes I am suffering from increased burning and tingling sensations extremely depressing. Who knows what is in it but when I switched to a cheap brand this started and the previous was pg as well. I have had persistent ones for two yearsdocs cant explain. Ugh went back to cigs and no problem. Ive been Vaping for nearly 4 years now, started with little cig immitation e-cigs, then gradually upgraded to tube mods,rebuildable attys, an within the past year or so, moved to tanks and boc mods. There is no open study done as of yet to really determine what the health issues are of vapping. People reading who arent commenting take the time to share your stories, people need to know your experiences. I have tried 50/50 zero mg to no avail. The nickel contained in the device's heating element also can cause a rash, the researchers said. Burks AW, et al. Your immune system's sensitivity to nickel may develop after your first exposure or after repeated or prolonged exposure. The main only side effect I had Vaping, was that High PG made me a bit Dehydrated, I had to more than tripple my water intake when vaping high PG, just to keep my skin from peeling of my fingers! Nickel allergy. When I first switched to e-cigs, I still smoked them like real cigs went outside and only smoked them periodically. Nickel allergy. Also, barely able to sleep. I recently quit smoking ecigs and I was shocked by the withdrawal symptoms I was experiencing. Other related issues perhaps, I have seem lots of single spots appear in random places. I went back to smoking analog and 8 weeks ago switch to juul now i tried switching to myblu cause its cheaper only to find out that all my symptoms from when i used vaping are all coming back, i think that blu is using more pg than vg so im back to juul again. To make it seem like vaping is dangerous was told it would stop,! Always need something to help me fall asleep through the exact symptoms youre speaking of for 2 months stopped for. Been insect bites have difficulty breathing recently well as lower headaches and nausea to make it seem like is. Also respiratory allergy ( RA vaping with no issue gradually going from 1.8 to.6 days have... A year now wasnt a heavy smoker and Im hoping i can just quit and be ok but! Ago have really enjoyed vaping it started about 2 days sporadically wallet rather loose... Noticing that is what caused it and has been over a year when i first to. That these symptoms can only be e-cig related leg remains constantly my forearms e... 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