npr voices annoying

Person 1: I went to a concert yesterday and it was very entertaining! Its sort of a way to soften, to be kind of vague, imprecise and uncommitted. and our The latter pronunciations of each drive me nuts. Let me explain this simple thing to you dummies. She regularly records commercial voice overs for radio and tv as well as infomercial voice overs and direct response marketing for children's toys, health, fitness and beauty products. Maybe it is something that every generation deals with, so perhaps its just the age, life experience and maturity that needs to be there before common sense advice can sink in. Hell start a sentence, but then even before he gets to the part that he wants to bully you into agreeing with, hell stick in a right?! And, I feel its time to bring the old standards back. As a mother of 2 teens, I can certainly relate. Hansen earned her MFA in Acting from Brandeis University, and has additionally studied in New York and France, at the Guthrie Theatre, and at Studio Theatre Conservatory. I stand self-corrected. They read out various super-chats & live comments, chat about various media happenings, but one host, Francis Foster (they are both stand up comedians too) repeatedly says absolutely in response to everything. I first noticed this 10 years ago watching Dora the Explorer with my Daughter. They are typically found in unscripted, more extemporaneous speech. Chris Beck in his article in describes it best, "Michael Barbaro of the New York Times' The Daily podcast, sounds like he's in his death throes in the final two words of every sentence he speaks, and then he's able to miraculously revive himself instantly to begin the next one. Part One: Into the Digital Era, Voice Over Trends 2022: Hottest Marketing Trends You Dont Want to Miss, Emotional Branding: The Power of Emotional Video Narratives, The Brand Anthem: What It Is, Why You Need One, An embarrassment in front of mom, dad or the general public, Unfit for any position that pays more than minimum wage. And please stop using hangin out and you guys.. Thuh, preceding a word starting with a vowel! Its a virus spreading. ARGH!!!! She helps people who find they sound monotone, sing-songy or low-energy. 3) saying een for ingas in goeen or stayeen for going or coming You know, the best way to find out the answers is to just Google it.. This usage of So is incorrect!!! ", It's not quite clear where the style comes from, but Mae West is often cited as an example, so it's not a new phenomenon. infomercial voice overs and direct response marketing, Voice Over Trends 2023: Less Looking, More Listening, Is the Golden Age of Voice Over Gone? Thanks for reading and commenting with such a detailed response, Adrianne. At first, I thought maybe he was just discovering a new feature in the product he is explaining but it has become clear it is just something he blurts out every few minutes. Please, lets stop hiring these dudes who are stuck in their own head trying to sound and trick us believing they are something they are not. Im not crazy Im being been driven there, though. The way peoplearenowpurposely talking slow as though everyone theyre speaking to is a moron? Moving forward, going forward, I turn off the radio. Mostly female but males do it too. how about people who fitty dollars instead of fifty? She also created and hosted two seasons of Lean & Hungry's award-winning podcast. ", Another listener from Minnesota wrote that "millennial correspondents" who speak with vocal fry "seems to counter NPR's high standards. I just heard a lady doing a commercial on TV who pronounced entertainment as intertainment. This is a huge trend on YouTube right now and its quite annoying. Leaving the Ts out of a word, as in bu on or ki en. Stop adding, subtracting, and manipulating language to influence or control the listener. )and the latest affliction.WaitWHAT ??. Basically, many people, young people and more often women, will take a short vowel sound and make it a schwa sound ie. To me, it sounds like theyve actually forgotten to end the word and let that final syllable continue to sound out for an extended period. terrible annoying. Ive noticed the inflection is often followed by movement, such as a slight head tilt, nod, hands, or shift of the eyes, presumably as an emphasis. What about using the words at all, at the end of a sentence. Just stop! Its not even with lists. Its definitely annoying! Did you see that? E.g. Who started that? Please share more comments on this, and specifically what other patterns youd like to see us include in the next video. Listening to our local news reporters causes so much stress! ) Also, I heard earlier on a My Pillow commercial a similar error which I failed to write down. Im a Southerner but I absolutely hate it. It is also a great conversation interrupting tool used by those who just love to talk and butt in at every opportunitydya know what I mean? I have assumed theyre trying to sound British, which may also account for the glottal stop (i think thats the correct term) in words like curtain, mountain, sweeten etc. Thank you Paige for mentioning the accent on the wrong syllable trend. NPR seems to be doing a full-out Jessica Rabbit Via . I love this discussion! It will not be a sad day for me when vocal fry becomes a bygone trend. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notification of new posts by email. Perhaps Im better not to. Hansen co-founded Lean & Hungry Theater, which creates audio adaptations of Shakespeare and other classics. Its mostly young females, but some young dudes do it as well. They sound exhausted or out of breath. Makes me understand why people sometimes get slapped! I dont know, but it happens more often than youd think. Hansen strives to make quality performance accessible to everyone, whether as a performer, creator, strategic leader, or coach. And I say this from a professional point of view. My dad was from Canada of English heritage. that the odds are every one of those comments is directly speaking to another comment directed indirectly to another comment and so on? Hahaha Russell you are SPOT on! She found that people over 40 heard the utterance without any creak as more authoritative, while people under 40 found both clips authoritative. She has received a few emails about her voice from listeners, including one that said she didn't sound certain saying her own name, which she briefly addressed in a Planet Money segment. And listeners have seriously strong feelings about this stuff. It makes my skin crawl, when people say are, when it is PRONOUNCED, OUR!!! The millions of people who comprise society absolutely do not need to adapt to the annoying speech patterns of an entitled few. People use Right? as a complete sentence. Please. Small talk usually calls for this kind of language unless youre writing a research paper. Its usually when someone is trying to express exasperation or frustration-uh. Some are even doing it on purpose. Jessica Hansen is the voice of NPR's funding credits, and serves as an in-house voice coach for NPR. The pervasive use of hypophora, mostly in spoken media, is more than annoying to me! Im only 40 but I feel like a rambling old person yelling at the TV any time I watch it. ! whenever someone learns of something thats surprising to them. Amazing this, and amazing that PLEASE STOP NOW! Yes, I have an accent, but I use proper English as my model to imitate. Seems our country (or generation) is being overrun with these ridiculous patterns! Kids used to be so proud when their cursive writing improved as they practiced it. Such as certain ,they no longer pronounce the t. Im going out on a limb and saying they use it because it is something definitive in their conversation. I mean This completely unnecessary phrase seems to just be a habitual way to start sentences for many people. i agree, it drives me insane , they sound like 4 year olds. Thats a very strange one. FIGURATIVELY no one? One from Texas wrote: "Not all Americans sound like White American politicians and I wish that could be reflected on your airwaves.". Ive had to stop watching MSNBC, because Rachel Maddow lards her hour with the use of right. Worse is Chris Hayes, who doesnt even use right properly! Like things like like because its just, like, beyond ubiquitous and you already know about it. As Ted brought up a few posts up: the ubiquitous use of the words sort of by media drives me nuts! This may be better: They are rampant in the South. This is exactly what Im looking for the name of The inflected list is the most common/overused pattern of speech. She has performed in television, film, stage, voiceovers, and commercials. Now that youve become painfully aware of my top five annoying speech patterns, please share your ownspeech pattern pet peeves. This dessert was super easy to make! Also, ahhhhh, ahhhhhhh when they see a puppy or baby or receive a gift, etc. Its a lisp and something that should have been fixed in grade school. Garage soft zzz, not hard J at end. Its kind of like way better than going to the library. I felt as though I learned something today. Stop talking like that!. Some of my pet peeves are as follows: Yes!! For example, in Alabama, pen and pin are pronounced the same way. Great discussion! On one news page I saw it used in four different headlines at the same time. Im glad to discover I am not alone. Its bad enough to hear it in speech but I recently received an email that began with these words. Very annoying habit for a smart lady!! Alison MacAdam April 30, 2015. Credit: Emily Jan. Its just laziness (and somehow its become cool to sound lazy or bored). I can sense the pits of hell opening within my spirit and anger arising like smoke of an erupting volcano, ahhhhh! He told me: That is a sign that I've opened them up, they feel comfortable and they're talking in the way that they just regularly talk. I notice my three year old great-grandson now says I really miss you guys when he used to just say I miss you., Some other annoying trends are 1) super, totally and uber for very But journalists can sound clear without all sounding the same. All are irritating and to me, they pigeon-hole the speaker and come across as less intelligent and less confident than they realize or intend. 5) substituting Im here like or Hes here like for I said or he said. And that show was probably a 5 year old rerun. Glen Washington (Snap Judgment) is so smooth, I also like Gene Demby and Shereen Marisol Meraji (Code Switch). I mean, everyone has heard plenty of examples of those speech patterns that have made perfectly well-educated college grads (mostly female) sound like Kardashian wannabes. These hip speech patterns are used by women in, I would say 90% of the conversations Im involved with or hearing out in public. I heard one person this past weekend start literally every response with, Look. These are just regional inflections, not errors per se. Even if the people indulging in these patterns have an incredibly high IQ, the patterns work against them by making them: Despite all the detriments of allowingthose patterns to unconsciously creep into your own conversational lexicon, people are falling prey at rapid rates. Receive a detailed quote, custom audition, and the ultimate in voice quality. (Said in a condescending nerd voice: So. Where Youre welcome implies that you went out of your way and accept their thanks as your praise. My fifteen year old son frequently accuses me of picking on him for the way he speaks/writes. Personally, I have a laundry list of poor speech and grammar pet peeves. The vocal pattern that annoys me endlessly is when women talk like little girls when they add UH to the end of words. Its a strange phenomenon in my mind, but of course trends come and go. Their whole speach pattern changes. New words, why not? Hansen is a classically trained singer, and has sung with choirs and madrigal groups, in musical theatre, and in jazz and rock bands. In I Have Some Questions for You, Makkai has carefully crafted a novel that inhabits a strange interstitial space between a whodunit, a crime novel with a few elements plucked from found footage . EVERY FRICKIN interview has yeah yeah yeah!, more and more in the past 6 or so months. For some reason, untold numbers of people now seem to think its pronounced teee-eew. 4) Replacing the good old annoying no problem with the nearly arrogant no worries. 1. These are interior designers and contractors. Merry fucking xmas. One day Im sure Ill lose my job after losing my temper with a patient. What is this called? These five speech patterns have become rampant in interviews. Maybe this has already been mentioned, but I find it a bit irksome when someone emphasizes the obvious by saying, Hello! As in, Everyone knows the Earth is round. Were all in this together. Uh, no we are not. This cymbal sound bite, arent event how a professional drummer would play, or maybe would not immediately make this sound unless the cymbals were damaged somehow. For example, presenters who do both on-screen and voice over work in the same programme, often utilise a completely different speech pattern/tone in both contexts. I think it was around this time that the issue of vocal fry came to the foreground on NPR. It seems that amazing has become the new awesome. Why diminish that by lowering our standards for education and employment? Speech patterns seem to trend quite quickly. Fly them in and leave them in the outback. Im not in it with any Cornholio who believes the Bill of Rights was ammended such that no government edict can mandate the wearing of masks or otherwise intrude on their bottom-shelf 40 brains belief of their right to cough and sneeze on me. I also dislike the replacement of youre welcome with no problem when told thank you. When I purchase something from an employee, or tell someone thank you, Im not needing assurance that Im not a problem. However, the habit of young womens talk that no one has mentioned is the tendency to cluster words together in extremely fast phrases within sentences, a habit which once I notice, becomes increasingly irritating. I was thinking that I was the only hearing the incorrect use of the schwa during a recent newscast. I would be happy to hear the word amazing without the word super in front of it. Its so distracting! I am a white dude on the radio, and no one has EVER tweeted at me critiquing my voice. Theres no k sound in the word, yet many people want to pronounce it as though there is. Great job! It seems a convemient time period for my schedule at this tiiime, Up talk is especially annoying when the speaker is listing things, as in those pillow commercials:, I sleep better? Dont get me started on LIKE. I think its rather sad. Along with that and many other things mentioned here ive also noticed use of the wrong vowel sounds. The t sound is there; the enunciation is just very soft, almost swallowed, because the word is split into syllables in a different place than whats proper. While I agree that its a lazy way of speaking, its probably more a regional speech pattern than anything else. In the series Heartland, it is practically half of the dialog. Also, the millennial kid who is fd in the head trying to sound so sophisticated, like he is an expert at everything and demeaning to everyone. Finally, the other habit that seems to be spreading is the use of the schwamostly women but not exclusivelyperhaps the thought is that it makes them seem more cultured. My current most annoying list includes some new & old (along with my initial yeah, no): 1) Vocalfry, can actually hurt voice. The only thing more annoying is the continuation of the last syllable in a series of items. I first noticed this in the TV series Unforgotten where it is hugely noticeable, but seeing earlier performances in the TV series Spooks from a number of years before, I see (hear!) There's still debate in the medical community about whether vocal fry harms the vocal folds, but Hansen said it can stress them. The bulk of revenues coming from programming fees, grants from foundations or business entities, contributions and sponsor-ships. Ive also noticed uptalk transcends position and demographics. Did college professors never say.hey, thats annoying and unprofessional? much more easily. The T-dropping is especially irritating because it sounds like something a very young kid would do and I HATE when adults talk like toddlers. Very annoying. 4) #pubradiovoice Sitting in host chair for first time I channeled white voice from Midwest and lost my own. But instead it sounds like I went to the STOre, then the gas STAtion, and then got something to EAT.. All of this is from one person. Its hard to come up with additional topics, since so many of the biggies were already discussed. I dont know of any name for that But reading your comment makes me think that maybe a lot of this type of speaking comes as a side effect of the Youtube and social media age, where people try to stand out and get noticed any way that they can. I have heard infants using words like this when they are learning, but to hear it coming from the mouth of a grown woman? Yes, I found this site while searching for Stephen Dubner annoying speech pattern. I tried to ignore it, but as its about an hour show, ten minutes in, he says this word numerous times. I realize its really too early to be voting for Most Annoying for 2021, but this ones definitely been frosting my butt. I wonder how many of these patterns we can blame on Keeping Up with the Kardashians and other shows of that ilk. Since I watch a lot of network tv, I hear this and other abominations on commercials, especially. Ive noticed that, too. Why? Sadly, I dont think these trend will die out. To add to the I mean, is .I feel like, I have the pleasure of working with some folks that include these in every single spoken sentence. I wonder if they realize they are doing this? 50% of revenue is from member stations. I was thinking maybe it was a Mexican/American thing (I am Canadian). Ayesha Rascoe is involved in most of the National Public Radio programs. If you pronounce the T (soft or hard) in button, youll get some strange glances, because literally no one here pronounces it that way. But those persons might find it hard to get a high-paying job. I find this is a topic worth discussing in a public forum, not to berate anyone for their colloquial style of speaking, but to intelligently address the issues with poor speech. It is not good representation of the general population; especially the show where it is only women who have the speech impediments. 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