peter feigin twin brother

It became such a healthy place to be.. Please remember if youre going through Wisconsin, go and have some chicken tenders at the Cluckery. This kind of like, "Why are we looking at other people's metrics? Everybody knows everybody. John: Another native New Yorker from Roslyn, New York. Before we get talking about all the amazing things you've done in basketball, and just coming off amazing championship. So, I think for myself to Coach Bud, to Jon, we all kind of are on the same page of preaching like, "This is a performance culture." Peter: Yeah, so I think its here and I think its all about the customization, right. The Bucks are one of the 17 teams that is competing in the new NBA 2K League, a necessary decision in Feigin's mind. Ive been really lucky. What would you be doing if you just couldnt be doing this? We were together in high school. But no matter how skilled the player, new members are included on a probationary basis. Citation. Michael Red: Well, I love you back. Through Jan. 15, his PER of 29.82 was second in the league behind James Harden and just ahead of LeBron James and Stephen Curry. So, I can't be too vocal, because if the owners knew how valuable it was that, I conceptually run a retail operation with thousands of pieces of apparel. You're a true friend, Peter, at least until you drop the parking ticket on me. Talk about it, you transition now from the Knicks and your consulting gig to the president of the Bucks. Not only do you have to have the best facilities, the best resources, no reason for anybody to say, What want to be, you got to be good people. I do." And they were kind of stuck at the last minute deep in the summer. You got to think about what the objective is, but I truly do believe, just no is not an answer if you surround yourself with smart people. "You will be in a business meeting on Monday with one of the 300-500 business executives in the town and you will see them some place later that week or the week after, unlike in New York City," he says. Feigin can do all the PR he wants, but the most effective pitch to get fans into the new arena is out of his hands. When Lee was shooting his film The Best Man, he brought the actors Taye Diggs and Morris Chestnut to the gym. Peter Feigin: And I'm digging into the business, and I had no desire to run it or to move to Milwaukee. Even though we just opened up a building two years ago, you're starting in a place where we're going to have some attrition and lose some fans and have to build equity back up and get back to basics of like building ticket sales, building everything else. The building will also be the focal point of a 30-acre development in downtown Milwaukee, an urban revitalization project that Feigin believes in. When they talk about Milwaukee, theyre like, Are you kidding me? This is the best place Ive ever been. We go from that answer where we know how important it is because the winters here suck. You can always have a kitchen with food in it. Alex Woodhouse, 34, a photographer and musician who was a three-year starter at Colgate, joined the game in his mid-20s at the urging of a friend. I just think were just laughing that its so great to have, we have an ice cream Wednesday where its supposed to be Tuesdays, but we incentivize to ride his ice cream truck around the floor and around the facility to do a break. John: Talking about teaching, we have 15 years of this podcast, so we have thousands of young people around the world that actually tune in and listen and when we have someone like you on, Id like to ask you this. So, that was my one get back to kind of surprise him because I think there were a few spies that were taking pictures of every time I parked in that spot for a second. It just kind of really trying. Hes with us today. Talk a bit about how to do that without bruising anyones ego and keeping everybody happy. Step one was complete. They cause matchup problems for their fathers friends. But I could swear by the 10th time it happened, it was not an accident.. Do you want to like, figure out what the handles are and become aThere are lots of opportunities in that realm, which I think are immediate. Its not the right environment for everybody. And I think what happened in this year, in so many ways, was a great splash of ice water thinking like, "Boy, we got a long way to go." This is COVID, how do we do it? It really is. How do we build the plumbing? God, I love it as a case study. Right now, its very hard to figure out and understand where its going, because this is the wild West. Yes, we are shiny toy people want to see how you build a project in time and under budget and how youd manage a project. It would be great if you represented me and kind of went down there and looked at the business for a second." But I will tell you that most cathartic incredible, awesome thing, which everybody told me and again, the collaborative is awesome. It's a simple filter to go through things, if we have to question it, we're pretty sure its wrong," shared Feigin. And that's tough, too. Peter: Yeah, I think I have this, my own personal craziness is I love to collect people. Peter Feigin: So, my job is pretty simple, like how do I build the trust with them? He captained. Does he play defense?. Peter Feigin: They made it really simple. How do you care about it, and Jon Horst is so great on the basketball side. We have resources, we back them up, whatever you need, it's part of it. Being able to play ball with your son is kind of like the best of the best, Peter Feigin said. Michael Red: And this was a decade long process, Peter? LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Peter Feigin discover inside connections to recommended job . Its certainly an example of how do you keep the entrepreneurial spirit in an organization and what better way to do it with chicken, and its great chicken. This is why you go to Parents' Night, folks. Peter Feigin: Yeah. "Peter has completely re-imagined the Milwaukee Bucks business operation and grown in sales, ticket revenue, retail and global recognition which is very important," Colbert explained. The first game goes to 9 points, and every game after that goes to 7. Because, I mean, you lived here for 11 years and I guarantee you, as great as everybody was, they still thought of you as a Columbus, Ohio guy. Thats and like you said, you get to share that with all the hundreds of other rings. Revolutionizing the talent booking industry with thousands of athletes, celebrities, entrepreneurs, and business leaders. Everythings compounded we happen to have picked Giannis in a draft, like in, as the 16th pick. Peter Feigin: And how we almost flaunt it in a good way and it's kind of easy. Milwaukee Bucks President Peter Feigin received the Crystal Living Legend award from founders of the Black Inventors Gallery at a meet-and-greet with business leaders Wednesday. Peter Feigin, youre making an amazing impact. Right? Feigin, 50, calls his game the Saturday Morning Run popularly known among its members as The Run or S.M.R. and he has a massive collection of T-shirts to prove it. It found him. Ive got two kids Im working as, Id say a consultant, helping to put together a business plan. John: Thats so great. Talk about that, Peter. But I'm sure [inaudible 00:30:10] the players in that process. I played soccer and basketball, not overly blessed with athleticism. This guy is a relentless workaholic who is selfless to his teammates and like wants to win. That the only option we really had was to build grassroots and build relationships and take time across the entire community. Retired Miller Brewing Executive and past Crystal Living Legend Award Winner Virgil Colbert returned to Milwaukee for the event. White House Chair of My Brother's Keeper Joined to Applaud Nationwide Progress. I'm so proud for his development. I think if you took me at this point in my life and where I am and. Well, you got to be beyond on top of your game. John: You grew up on the Upper East Side, you are a native New Yorker, your brothers still back there. Again, under the umbrella of collecting people and really having experience in a big way. I mean, I probably publicly spoke for the first time in my life 100 times in the first 200 days to everybody from Lions Clubs to the barber shop, to the Boy Scouts and the Girl Scouts to kind of preach how big a deal it is for city this size to have and keep an NBA team. Peter Feigin: I think nobody could have imagined what that does to you on a personal psychological emotional level. I talk about it all the time with my wife, with my brother, with everything. And I think the only thing anybody can control is their own effort and kind of their own dreams and where they want to go. It's about doing things for the right reasons. So, it really is kind of like all of us working together to figure out what the balance is. Okay. So, for all the listeners, I played in Milwaukee for 11 years over a decade and had an incredible time there. Kind of on a team, if you surround yourself with great players, you can figure out a way to win. And the family went into the most unique times that we've ever seen in our lifetime a year ago. My wife and I have known each other since high school. Im probably like someone who gives everything away. So it was kind of building rapport and trust was the only way to kind of get this done. There's no way that the reverence, the likeability and kind of the coolness of the Milwaukee can't be a team and a city that the whole world cheers for in such a big way. By the way, its so much fun. Peter Feigin: And then I think, the bigger picture is we really have to accelerate becoming the world's team. But usually, The Run comprises a core group of 15 to 20 players who range from 16 to 58 years old. financial capital with human capital to end up with the right result, how is that math done in Peter Feigins head? How do we work together? Youve got Wes Edens who has probably started up dozens of companies in private equity and has an unbelievable kind of entrepreneurial spirit. If I become that guy, I dont need to play anymore. And I believe in my heart that the Bucks were real leaders in that moment. But, boy, you talk about how you go to sleep like the night, a night in March, in the middle of March last year thinking like, "Oh, my God. I better go home and talk to Natalia to do it. Peter Feigin: Yeah, I think it's part of the culture and kind of down from ownership, like you're going to stand for something or you're going to stand for nothing. But talk about that dynamic leading through that. Peter Feigin: That this was a year you couldn't even imagine. The ability to go into an NBA franchise and really pick all the great practices which is going around in the league is a huge advantage. Peter: I went to Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. What has it meant to you to bet on yourself? And that's before you're worried about what a health scare is. Peter Feigin, President of the NBA's Milwaukee Bucks and formerly Vice President of Marketing for the New York Knicks and Director of Marketing at Six Flags, joins me on the podcast today. How do we talk beyond just coming to Milwaukee, but how do we do business together? Jesse the Jet, no question. Peter: But one of the incredible things, alignment we have with myself, John Horst, whos our GM and coach Bud is like, weve got this undercurrent of constant improvement and kind of like never, pleased but never satisfied. John: You talked about your Masters of the Universe being your partners and owners and really some of the brightest people on this planet which of course, thats true. How do we attack every day with how can we resource everybody who works here to be able to do their job very well. At Bucks Pro Shop, you can find them. Either it came from Khris Middleton or Jack [crosstalk 00:02:21]. And Dan Feigin still has keys to Trevors gym, which he has been putting to use by himself. Because I hadnt worked in, Id worked in New York city. John: Yeah. John: No question. I think probably one of the last public-private partnerships that thatll happen, when Troy brought together the city, the county and the state to put together a partnership for a new arena in downtown Milwaukee. Jan 16th, 2016 by Mayor Tom Barrett. Where does your ring sit? And I don't know how many people know this, towards the end of his life, he really kind of did exhibitions, talks, and meetings literally until the day he almost died and traveled the country and the world as really kind of an incredible role model with an incredible story. Weve got Peter Feigin. Were going to appreciate the hell out of you. I think its hard to grasp where this is going, but it professionalizes players at this, Peter: point teenagers at a much earlier level than theyve ever been. And we're going to be the No. How do we become attractive and bring more companies here and bring more empty nesters and college graduates and make this a really attractive place to live. Peter Feigin: So, that was and sort of weird comfort in that everybody in the world was going through it. "Very simply, we went into the market and said, 'We're going to build this market. Theres a lot of people that look up to you and want to be either the next Peter Feigin, or be an entrepreneur and do a startup. John: What did you study? When you are visioning this out, like you just said, human capital, a new physical capital, on the court, off the court, what were you using both singularly as you, as Peter Feigin goes, but also with your partners and the private equity guys, what were you using as your role model? It has just been introduced for iPhones, but we are working on the Android version! There's always joking, a lot of joking and the team, the organization from what I've heard and know of you is that they really, really, really appreciate your leadership within the organization. Michael Red: Giannis Antetokounmpo and that team is so special to watch. That everybody understands their benefits for their health insurance, that we're getting psychological health, that we're feeding people in the community, that we are on top of not just marching for social justice, but that we're dealing with, police reform, that we're resourcing our players. Peter: its not the biggest, but it just talks about how special when you talk about in a small market, and we try to coalesce with the Brewers and the Packers as much as we can to be like the strength of these three pro teams and their players and their coaches and our coaches and GM spend a lot of time with the coaches and GMs at the Packers, which is just great. Peter: Thats great, thats one of the only times that questions been asked. View career paths Pre-College Business Emerging Leaders (BEL) Peter: Yeah, what really worked for me is I think I was just insatiably curious. It would be fun to own a hundred McDonalds franchises and you guys would be great at that. Its rotating cast includes bankers, lawyers and high-powered television executives. John: How about the issue of when people put on those special glasses now, and they can watch a game in 3D or whatIm so out of it a little bit, Peter, technologically speaking, but the young people are talking about the future of watching sports is were going to be able to, is going to be eventually cameras court side, and were going to be able to watch it and feel like were sitting court side and youre at a bucks game. By the way, I've got access to the Team President, the GM, everybody is all around just to resource and help. He's with us today. The players, nobody has the awareness that, most of our players are between 20 and 30 years old and it's like for the rest of the world, it's like the most developmental time. Our expectation is to win a championship. You sound super excited about the future. The one thing that's been impressive for me, being a part of the family, is seeing how you all embrace the city. Here is your example of everything you read everything you hear, everything he does is true. He is a legitimate superstar who also manages to bring in the European market. Michael Red: After knowing you for the last six years, personally, two qualities stand out: Extremely funny and extremely generous. We have the DNA and the strength and this caliber of championship caliber team to really be attractive to the world. Ive had some of my employees have been there and they say, its just amazing, just a wonderful place to watch a sporting event and Im just talking to one this morning and he just said, Great place, just a great arena.Were not going to go through this interview without talking, of course, about Giannis. We hired a great human capital person to build up the structure, but it was really best practice. We need to resource this place, like you cant imagine and we need to build an infrastructure that is beyond sound for growth, so not just day one. A, if you werent doing this and I know this is a dream job. I heard or to make the statement, are you the employee of the month? Thats the biggest change is the regional sports networks have changed dramatically. I think that was a necessity. There's got to be ways to get there. Id worked for the New York Knicks. So, of course, he's just had enough. 2023 ERI. If you're going to go look at teams, grab my brother. So, for us, it goes back to constantly being really honest and forthright about where you are and how you can improve. Peter Feigin: Yeah, I think it's kind of where is the balance? I'm like, "I don't know. Peter Feigin: They're like, "Peter, don't double think anything. He's also been quoted as saying he wants to play for the Bucks "forever" and he does not know if he could be "the same player" in a "flashy city." Were you looking at other franchises that have done this before, or were you looking at other business models and merging some version thereof? There's no right equation. And also, obviously some additions with Jrue Holiday and other great players we have this year. Peter Feigin: Yeah. Michael Red: It's becoming that and has become that. For naming rights, Feiginsaid the franchise is looking for an international brand willing to spend $7 million to $10 million annually for 20 years. John: He was gone. Now you win, you have the championship. John: Your mom was part of the George Lois generation and Jerry Della Femina and then Donny Deutschs father David Deutsch. It was like kind of so much fun and learning so much and kind of being on teams with really diverse people all around the league and around different teams. Its like, hey, I worry about the execution. This is probably the best hour of the week. Its all about your partner, it was one of these opportunities where she was just all in and to her benefit, like I owe her forever because it was, like its been an unbelievable, run and a huge opportunity. President Peter Feigin tells the 'The Claman Countdown' how the Bucks franchise has impacted the local economy Bucks president Peter Feigin said Friday that the team is going to use the. Id been in a big market. Its a difference maker, especially now in our labor market. And that's what we try to do. Some people dont like to hear that anymore. I've known Jon for, I don't know, 13, 14 years, and to see what he's done with the team as the general manager has been really impressive. But then theres, in this group weve got 300 full-time people and 250 of them are involved in volunteering. But there are also long-range shooters who work in retail sales and small forwards who direct nonprofits, photographers and writers, students and teachers. It has huge value and its paid huge returns for us. There is an honor system. And kind of like who are intrinsically becoming Buck stars and having them be our influencers around the world and thinking about global campaign. Whats going on with technology whats going on, even with your experience in the arena. Talk about that. And I love your brother. These guys are human beings. If you need a shot of good inspiration (and a good laugh), listen to this episode! Talk about having arguably the greatest player in the world on your team. Peter Feigin Title: President Organization: Milwaukee Bucks Previous experience: Chief marketing and revenue officer of Deluxe Entertainment Services Group; president and chief operating. We have large sections that you never think about 10 years ago that people hang out at a bar, never have a seat, never, standing room only. It all matters what state youre in and whats going on with the legislation. Peter: Yeah. Donations to the school can be turned into compensation. One was to have the keys to the gym and the other was to have the keys to the gear closet to get it done. People who do argue are kind of not allowed back.. I literally said, "Hey, Giannis, do me a favor. I said, "Man, make sure you represent." Peter is a native New Yorker. I guarantee you'll find motivation and guidance from this remarkable man. Michael Red: It's been wonderful to watch. Kevin Draughon, who participates in the games, sat with Dylan Feigin and her brother, Jackson. I mean, that's like, I mean, literally over and over and over again, relentlessly, the whole team to get it done. We want to win. Then it would move the franchise to Las Vegas or Seattle. Michael Red: The facilities, everything that you guys have done so far is remarkable. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. My wife is like, What are you doing? I dont know what Im doing!. Milwaukee Bucks President Peter Feigin speaking at the opening of the team's new training center in downtown Milwaukee as Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett . I wander around the house, Feigin said in a recent telephone interview. If you lose, that might mean you need to keep an eye on several of your friends toddlers. Why wouldn't you embrace Michael Red to really be a reflection of our franchise in such a great way because it's kind of what the great teams and brands do around the world is we've got this unbelievable legacy, which, you're a part of. You miss falling on the ground, Dan Feigin said. Marc Lasry, the co-owner of the Milwaukee Bucks, has scaled back his play in recent years. Were one of those cities that it was just so powerful. Michael Red: And then with all that going on around you, I mean, navigating the waters from a business standpoint. I never wanted to be that guy with the goggles and the knee brace and the tucked-in shirt being like, Hey! Thomas F. Leonard . That automatically and having him sign for the next five years, that gives you this springboard that we think. The goal off the court is we want a new arena. Its not really in a place where I could tell you, like, hey, heres our growth potential. It's got so many other opportunities I never would have thought of ever." Peter Feigin, president of the Milwaukee Bucks. John: Hey, Peter. We got to like we want to use our platform to affect change and change the world. I encourage it, and selfishly, its a fun way to network and deal with people. And I think he's going to sell the team. Youve got Jamie Dimon, who is this incredible long-term equity holder who is done it and then youve got Mike Fascitelli whos really was the chairman and CEO of Vornado Real Estate in New York on the commercial real estate side. Youre going to actually have to be a decent person and not be toxic. And if a new player does not endear himself to the group, it tends to reflect poorly on whoever invited him in the first place. Feigin's twin brother emphasized his brother's role in reshaping downtown. Peter Feigin: Well, I think, like you talked about the opportunity for a great historic organization like this to embrace a former Olympian, it's all-star, like a person who's current in the game and really is an asset. The focal point of a 30-acre development in downtown Milwaukee, but do. Are involved in volunteering my job is pretty simple, like how do care! Because this is a relentless workaholic who is selfless to his teammates and you! Two kids Im working as, Id say a consultant, helping to put together a business plan this. 'S role in reshaping downtown Saturday Morning Run popularly known among its members as the comprises. Do business together works here to be a decent person and not be published broadcast! 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